To The Core Fitness


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Everything Starts with the Core

Picking up a dropped item. Reaching for a shelf. Sitting correctly in a chair. These all sound like normal, everyday things that we all do on a daily basis. What do they all have in common? They all require the use of the core. Just so we're clear, by core, we mean abs. Six pack. 

The muscles we all want to show off prominently, as the wind blows our top up while we slowly pull our top down and hold it in place, acting as if you're embarrassed but in fact disappointed the top didn't come off completely. 

And.... back to reality. The truth is, few people actually have the abs of steel we all dream of. Why? Because there are a lot of factors to consider and a lot of sacrifices to be made. Yes that's right, alcohol and chocolate will have to be put on hold. 

The difference between having a six pack and not, is hard work and dedication. I will tell you how to get the stomach you've always wanted, and diffuse the fitness myths we all hear today. 

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 Very few people actually understand the importance of nutrition and your diet when it comes to getting the results you want. Like peanut butter on a sandwich. Everyone's sort of heard of it but few actually eat it and they lack the maximal results they're looking for; which in this case is satisfaction, but it's the same principle. Before looking at beginning any physical exercise to lose fat or build muscle or whatever your goal may be, you need to make adjustments to your diet. In turn, your body will be better equipped for the stress you will be putting on it during training and in the long run will benefit all. Yes all. I know what you're thinking; how can my diet benefit other people? Well, if you're healthy this will radiate itself and your friends and family will not only be inspired and motivated to make a shift in their lives too, but also they won't have to put up with your grouchy moments because you haven't had your chocolate today. 

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