The Evening Star


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Chapter One

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Chapter One

The shop at the corner of the square was warm and inviting the aged oak exterior framed a large window where glass balls of various shapes  caught the light of day sending shards of color across the sidewalk, old leather sofas beckoned to the outside world to come, sit, explore, chat, perhaps to share the days adventures locals gathered to chat with each other or with the proprietors.   The smell of patchouli candles mixed with the fragrance of warm Chai tea calling to your senses, offering a calming wash to weary souls.  Old leather bound books lined the walls, works of literature mingled with books of wisdom and old world knowledge. The shop held answers for those seeking what often was hard to find.  Cassandra Shiki and Brylee Burckhardt  were childhood friends, or in truth many life friends, both having gifts that lent themselves to assist those who were in peril or seeking guidance.  Brylee was the official manager, she managed the day to day operations, kept things in order and kept the energy flowing.  Her bright smile and welcoming demeanor easily put the most agitated visitor at ease and allowed them to find peace and contentment. It was often said a conversation with her was better than any elixir or potion for bringing the balance to life.  Cassandra was the one with vision and sight, her ability often caused clients to regroup or change directions when they heeded her advice. A third generation Seer, her heritage was a pedigree that few questioned, those that did often found themselves on the wrong end of the question wishing they had trusted more.  Because of their reputation strangers often came to call, seeking assistance, sometimes they were greeted and assisted, other times they were sent away.  The women were careful who they assisted and for what reason, making few exceptions.

This morning the breeze off the ocean filled the air with the smell of seaweed, the sound of the ocean in the distance was a melody in the wind.   Brylee was busy clearing the shops energy, candles burned flames flickering, dancing, while the gentle melody of Deva Premal’s Gayatri Mantra filled the store.

The door chimes announced the arrival of someone, followed by heavy footsteps against the ancient hardwood floors.   Brylee turned around her flaming red hair sparked both from the energy and the sunlight .

“Good afternoon, I’m looking for Cassandra Shiki, I was told I could find her here.”   Brylee smiled her ruby lips were stark against her snow white skin, giving the illusion of purity and saint hood.  “Well, you might have come to the right place” her southern drawl was low, Antonio listened closely, he was listening to hear the conversation between the words.   “But I’m afraid she only works by appointment.”  Antonio shifted his stance leaning forward slightly, making his already 6’4’ frame appear larger somehow.  “I’m sure she will see me, I have something she’s been looking for, for quite some time”.   His ebony eyes had glints of silver that seemed to catch the light reflecting it back in an unusual way, almost as if they were mirrors.

“ I’m sorry I don’t believe we made proper introductions “Brylee extended her hand, “I’m Brylee, Cassandra’s partner, we share ownership of The Evening Star  and whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?”    A smile crossed his lips exposing perfect white teeth, “I’m Antonio Stubbe, owner of  “Varulv-Stubbe Agency”,  he spoke quickly shaking hands.  “I have matters of great importance to discuss with Ms. Shiki, please understand time is of the essence.”

Brylee, smiled politely and nodded, “Everyone always has a time frame of importance, but time means nothing to Cassandra, I believe she will be in after 2 today, would you like to call then for an appointment?” Brylee handed him a card with the appropriate phone numbers and information. Taking the card, Antonio smiled,  “I appreciate the information” he slipped the card in his pocket never looking at it, instead he glanced over toward one of the leather sofas in the corner, motioning with his hand as he walked, “I’ll just wait here , might I request a cup of that wonderful smelling  tea while I wait”.  Antonio proceeded to make himself comfortable, picking up the morning paper he smiled again at Brylee, “Lovely morning don’t you agree?”

Brylee inhaled to control her anger and chanted softly under her breath, she did not take orders of any kind, but something in his manner made her decide to accommodate his arrogant attitude.  Returning with a steam mug of tea she smiled saying nothing as she sat the cup down, turning she went about lighting a few more candles near the counter, continuing her chanting softly.  Antonio listening to her chant of protection, smirked to himself, turning his attention to the paper in his hands.  Picking up the broom leaning against the door she swept the entrance, from corner to corner all the way to the sidewalk.

It seemed hours passed, Antonio continued to read looking up on occasion but never budging, he would wait if it took all day, this was far too important to be careless.  He thought back to the recent activities that brought him to this place today.  The image burned into his mind as if he had witnessed the events that very morning, hard to believe it had been a year ago that he stumbled upon this sought after key. Now he was sitting where he needed to be he could wait for as long as necessary, after all when you have waited as long as he had, what was a few more hours,  closer now  than the centuries long past.

“Hi Brylee”, Cassandra bustled through the door carrying packages, “I think I picked everything up, go figure I lost the list again, but no worries I’ll get anything I forgot tomorrow” Cassandra beginning sitting down her load when she suddenly felt the hair on her head tingle, she inhaled slowly as her senses heightened, nerves began firing responses to the atmosphere.  Turning around she saw the stranger sitting on the leather sofa starring at her, instantly she knew him, but she also knew they had never met.  Pushing her long dark auburn hair back out of her face she smiled warmly and turned to Brylee whispering, “And who prey tale is that? And what does he want?” Before Brylee could answer Antonio was standing within inches of Cassandra, “Good afternoon Ms. Shiki, I was beginning to think I might just be sleeping here this night”  Cassandra laughed and smiled, “Well Sir, first I don’t believe we have met, second I am sure we don’t have an appointment, so your sleeping here would not be optional” Antonio smiled, “I like your spunk, we are going to get along just fine I can see that now, which is good when you’re working together.”  Cassandra backed up to regain her space, tilting her head she began taking in the rather attractive male specimen before her. Not bad she thought to herself, well defined features extremely attractive, dark hair framing his eyes gave a rather pleasing look to his silhouette.  His broad chest was clearly defined and visible beneath the linen white shirt, his black jeans were tight in all the proper places; his boots were shined with square toes.  Although he looked very much the 20th century male he also had old world energy about him.  Too bad she thought, handsome, but not smart…”I beg your pardon; I don’t believe we have met so I certainly don’t recall our working together.”  Irritated at his lack of manners she smiled turning to walk away, without a sound he was standing in front of her.  “Ms Shiki, may I call you Cassandra, I have something I know is of interest to you, I need your assistance in resolving an issue, I was told where to find you, now that I have I am afraid I really must insist that you allow me a few moments of your time, I assure you that you will not be sorry.” Cassandra stared at him for a few moments, then motioned with her hand toward the back office, “Fine 5 minutes that’s it” Stepping aside Antonio smiled and waited for her to lead the way.  Brylee looked at Cassandra, as she started to object she realized she best remain silent, Cassandra was in full control.   The door gently closed behind them as he crossed into the office.

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