Babbe Finds Her way home


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 Babbe was a bright and beautiful Rabbit who lived with her Mum, dad and five siblings. 

One day babbe came home from a happy day at school to find her Mum and dad fighting which made her sad so she hopped off and sat under a big red maple tree. 

It was not long before it got very dark and babbe had no idea which way to get back to her family she felt very scared then she heard a weird sound coming from on top of her in the maple tree a bird she gasped, can you help me find my way home she asked but she knew that birds don’t talk and again sat down under the tree. 

She had only been sitting for a short while when she heard a familiar voice it was her Mum and dad they had been looking all over the Forrest for her and they were so happy that they found her Babbe was also so happy to see them also she hopped right up and gave them a huge hug I love you she said with a tear in her eye I’m never going to hop away again she said and her parents told her they would never argue again. 

Babbe and her family had been so frightened that babbe would not return for after she came home they had celebrations for days and hugs and kisses to. 

Babbe learnt that family is important and they the love they have for you is so strong and never ending she went to sleep that night and was so happy that she had family. 

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