House Wife


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 Vivian Clyde was a faithful woman who was married to a man she loved very much. Every morning Vivian would tend to her husband, Harold; she made him breakfast, prepared his clothes and always kissed him and wished him a wonderful day at work before he left home. They were what seemed to be a happy couple to an outsider looking in but when Vivian looked through her husband's pants to do the wash that day, she found a folded piece of paper with a phone number and the name "Ramona" written on it. 
     Vivian was in shock. Surely her husband wouldn't think of cheating. Would he? Anger began to consume her thoughts. "How could he do this to me? I clean and cook for him! I make good love to him. What more could he want?” she thought. Suddenly, a car pulled up.Vivian peaked through the blinds and saw Milton, the handsome bachelor next-door, pulling into his driveway.
     Vivian desperately needed to get her mind off Harold so she decided to go to the market. It was very therapeutic for her until it was time to check-out. In front of Vivian was an attractive Red headed woman. “Ramona!!!” the cashier said out loud to the attractive redhead. Vivian became sick,  just hearing the hideous name, “Ramona” made her cringe. 
 “ What’d you end up doing last night?” said the cashier. 
“ Oh, I ended up going to that pub down the street and I met this nice mechanic named “Harold”.
     Vivian left her items at the checkout stand and began to breathe heavily; she burst into tears and thought of all the love she wasted on her husband. All the times she tended to his needs, how was she going to handle this? Then it hit her,  fight fire with fire.
      Harold came home that night. There was something odd about the home, no warmth; no love, just emptiness. Harold walked around the house looking for his wife, he waited and waited. Hours passed by and he began to worry. It was unlike Vivian to do this.
      Finally, Harold heard the sound of someone opening the front door. It was Vivian. 
“Vivian! Where have you been?!”
 “I’ve been where you’ve been last night.” said Vivian.
“I’m so confused right now! ”, said Harold.
“If you must know, Harold. I’ve been at Melton’s house next-door. I slept with him.”
“What? No! Why? Why would you do that to me?”
“Because you did that to me last night with Ramona!!!”
Harold gasped.
    The truth was, Harold never slept with Ramona or even thought about cheating on Vivian with Ramona. Ramona was having car trouble last night and Ramona gave Harold her number so that he could call her when he got to work so that she could bring her car into the shop. Their marriage was never the same after that night because of a simple assumption a very bored and insecure Vivian had made. 


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