30 Days to Stepping into Your Power (and what the hell that even means)


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The first time I heard "step into your power" I was intrigued. It was during a time of trial in my life and I thought "that's exactly what I need to do! I'll step into my power and it'll be life-altering!" My very next thought was "uh, what is my power exactly?" I remember feeling like it must be a feeling I would have when I was more established in my business, when I was older, when I had finally "made it". I saw a Facebook post by spirit junkie Gabrielle Bernstein and thought "this chick lives in her power". She's successful, well-known, and pretty damn spiritual. Not usually one to compare myself to others, I felt a little disheartened. That level of influence, knowledge, and togetherness seemed far beyond my reach. It took me a year of self-discovery to see that I had the whole concept backwards. Gabrielle, and other amazing women like her, didn't step into their power as a result of becoming successful or well-known. They created these things as a result of defining their power and owning it.

The thing about stepping into your power is that you don't ever really get to a point where you're fully in it, because it's a lifelong process. You may be fully emerged for a moment but as you grow and evolve through your life, the definition of what power means to you will change. There are, however, some basic principles that will help you begin the process. There are also other ways to say "step into your power", if that doesn't quite resonate with your soul. It also means living in your truth, being authentic, and owning your shit. It really doesn't matter what you call it. It's a way of living that speaks to the truest version of yourself. A path of truth and boldness that takes you to your highest peak. It means not settling for mediocre when you really desire the best. When you step into your power a lot of changes happen. Subtle shifts and Earth shaking aha moments.


I'm going to show you exactly what it means to live in your power. I'll fill you in on what this looks like in real life and I'll give you action steps so you can begin to step into and live in your power.

If there's one thing I know for sure, women who have the courage to step into their power are the ones who who will change the course of the world.

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Day 1: What the hell does it mean to step into my power?

What the hell does it mean to step into my power?

This question isn't uncommon. In fact, I hear it frequently and, at one point, was unsure myself.

The truth is that stepping into your power doesn't mean the same thing for me that it will mean for you. It looks different for everyone. It's a process, a way of life, a daily practice.

Let's look at the definition of power. According to Merriam-Webster, power, as a noun, means both the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality and the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Alternately, as a verb, power means to supply with mechanical or electrical energy and to move or travel with great speed or force.

So what does this translate to for the purpose of stepping into said power?

It means acting in a way that is true to who you are. It means to influence the course of your life by taking responsibility for it. It means vibrating at a frequency that attracts amazing people, things, and events. It means moving at a pace that flows well with your soul.

Sometimes, hearing the anti of what we're learning helps us get clear on the concept. Power isn't always given a positive connotation. We often see politicians and corporations who misuse power. Some of us may even know people who have abused their power in a way that affected our lives in a big way. For the sake of clarity, Here's what stepping into your power does not mean.

-forcing your ideas or beliefs on others

-leading from a place of self interest

-running from pain, instead of towards pleasure

-doing things out of obligation

-manipulating others to get what you want


The whole idea of power in this context is gentle, truthful, and balanced. It's about knowing who you are and what you want and not being afraid to stand up for that. Even if you are afraid, it means standing tall in your truth and speaking it in a way that doesn't infringe on anyone else's truth but still protects your values.


How will I know when I've stepped into my power?


You'll know, trust me. You'll feel it. The way you show up in your relationships, career, and life will change. You'll be present in every thing you do. You won't be worried about hurting someone's feelings when you say that something isn't working for you. You'll stop placing expectations on others. You will begin to have a more gentle, loving relationship with yourself. You'll stop apologizing for being yourself or doing the things that make you happy. You'll stop doing things out of obligation. You'll begin to be love. You will allow others to expand without intruding in your space or limiting your own expansion. It will be magical and scary and oh so worth every glorious, painful second.


Some of these shifts will be slight. Maybe you won't feel so resentful of that friend who is always late because you'll either set the boundary of that being unacceptable to you or you will decide that it isn't a big deal and you aren't going to let it bother you. Or the shifts will be monumental. You will finally have the guts to quit your draining day job and hit your business full force.


Like I said before, everyone's power looks different. There is no "formula" or right way to come into it. There is just a groundwork you can begin to build that will eventually come to frame the way you live your life. This groundwork is based on value, honesty, boundaries, responsibility, and self-love.


It's a meshing together of what you see as true, what you want your life to be, and how you want to show up in the world.


Stepping into, and living in, your power can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. It can be challenging in the sense that once you know your truth and your power, you will have an obligation to fulfill it. When you know what your truth is and you believe it fully and know that your power flows from that place, living in discord with it will be painful and you may feel like a piece of who you are is fading away. I don't say this to be dramatic. I tell you this because it's true. You can't know what's right and not do it and still hold onto your clear conscious. It's part of growth. It can be so scary when you know you have to speak up but once you do it, you'll get better and better and before you know it, living from your power won't be scary anymore. It will be natural and powerful. The coolest thing about living in your power is that by doing so, you allow those around you to do the same.


We live in a positive-sum universe. We're not running out of love. Or money. Or freedom. There's no scarcity of truth, of internal power, of grace. There's no lack of kindness, responsibility, or community. There is plenty to go around. Say that out loud. There is length to go around. Love breeds love. Money breeds more money. The more people that experience freedom, the more we can help others achieve the same. We are part of a local community and a global community. We are all connected by the universe. This points to the truth of abundance. And when you step into the power that is already abundant inside you, you don't take power from anyone else. You increase their ability to step into their own power. The world needs women who live in their power. These are the leaders, the creators, the healers, the lovers, the givers. These are the women who will change the course of the world.

Recap of what the hell it means to step into your power:

-not being an asshole and thinking you know it all

-speaking your mind in a way that doesn't belittle or diminish others beliefs and feelings

-your power is exactly what you want it to be, never more and certainly never less

I'm going to share an exercise to help you discover your own special flavor of stepping into your delicious, abundant, fulfilling power.


Answer the following questions:

What do you believe in regarding spirituality?

What are your core values?

What moves you to tears?

What makes your heart feel full?

What motivates you to want to step into your power?

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Day 2: What does stepping into my power look like in real life?

If you have ever taken a yoga class, you have probably heard some very confusing phrases. "Swan dive forward and as you inhale feel the happiness in your thighs". "As you press your heels down while in downward dog, expand your love to the top of your head". If you are like me, you have no freaking idea how to make your thighs happy or to make your head feel full of love, especially at the same time that you are trying to stay balanced. It's funny but it's also sad because there is so much we could learn from these concepts if only we knew what the hell they meant. 

As I explained in chapter one, stepping into your power looks differently for everyone. At the same time that it is unique and personal and subjective, it is also a pretty easy concept. I have already explained what stepping into your power is. Now, I'm going to show you what it looks like in action. The best way I can do this is to share with you real life experiences of real women who have made the choice to step into their power.


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Day 3: Gratitude is my favorite attitude

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Day 4: Discerning right from wrong

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Day 5: Obligation

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Day 6: Speak up (and you'll forever feel your peace)

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