10 Proven Tips To Get What You Want


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Chapter 1

10 Proven Tips to Get What You Want!

Are you stuck?

Are you trying hard to achieve your simplest dreams, but you seem to be standing in the same place without moving a step forward? Here are 10 proven tips to get what you want!

Now, I will give you the proven success recipe that will help you get what you want faster and easier than before. This success recipe is your way to begin living a purposeful life and achieve your goals. This will provide you with 10 proven tips to get what you want! Use these 10 proven tips to get what you want and they will help you follow your passions and skills that are within you.

Get ready to unleash the power of your dreams.

10 Proven Tips to Get What You Want

1. Make Meaning

Make meaning for your life and work. Do what you love and love what you do. Search for ways to live with passion. You are unique and you are here for a purpose. What is the meaning of life? Like a shadow, this question follows us through our lives, even if we never turn around to see it.

We all want to feel like our lives count for something. Find the reason of your existence. Describe your role in life in 3 or 4 words. Forget about these long, general and not memorable mission statements. Be very specific about what you are here to do in this life.

2. Develop a Vision

Develop a vision that inspires you and triggers your greatness. Your vision must be clear and motivates you to transform it into reality. Creating a vision for your life might seem like a frivolous, fantastical waste of time, but it’s not. Creating a compelling vision of the life you want is actually one of the most effective strategies for achieving the life of your dreams.

Perhaps the best way to look at the concept of a life vision is as a compass to help guide you to take the best actions and make the right choices that help propel you toward your best life. A vision gives you a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and energy. Have a vision that keeps you alive and strengthens your love for life. A vision that makes you unstoppable.

3. Design Milestones

Milestones are big goals and turning points in your journey. They are like indicators along the road to tell you that you are on the right track. But milestones are vital because they give you a point of reference.

They allow you to understand where you are, how much longer the project should take, what needs done, and when it should happen. Milestones are a definite must for evaluating your success. Each milestone is a big achievement on your way to your ideal life.

4. Set Goals

Goals are small and specific tasks that define your action plan. Goals are important in the sense that they give you direction in life. It is better to have a simple, or not so important goal, than having no goals at all. Having goals is like having a map.

You know where you are heading, and this gives you zest, motivation, more energy and a reason to get up in the morning. You become more alive. Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Each goal is a step towards achieving one of your milestones.

How to set college goals: https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-set-college-goals-793200

5. Get Going

Take action. The only difference between an average individual and a successful one is taking action. Taking massive action in your life is the only way that you are going to achieve your goals, dreams and desires. One of the biggest obstacles that people face that prevents them from success is that they spend all their time learning.

Everyone thinks that knowledge is power, but unless you have a way of applying that knowledge to your life, that knowledge is useless. Get up and get going. Take the first step and maintain your forward moving momentum. Just start. Be flexible to changes and improvements.

6. Project Positive Energy

Be optimistic. Broadcast powerful positive energy and confidence over your own media network.

Almost everyone knows someone who radiates positivity. They’re the ones who naturally draw others in and make people feel at ease. While it may be effortless for some to channel the peaceful outlook, for others, it takes practice, and that’s okay. The energy you give off not only determines your interactions with other people, it also speaks to how you’re feeling about yourself.

It’s one of those skills that’s definitely worth practicing. When you begin to shift your mindset, you’ll start to witness all sorts of amazing opportunities come your way, and you’ll start feeling a whole lot lighter as well. Positive energy will attract positive results and opportunities. Become a magnet that attracts success 24/7. You will receive the energy you project.

7. Act As If It Is Happening

Act as if your vision is happening. Act as if you will never fail. Act with confidence and power. Keep your vision in front of your mind’s eye day and night. Act as if you are living your vision. When you do, that you will attract more opportunities and more success to your life. How do we act as if our own goals and dreams have already happened way before they manifest into our reality? Act as if your dreams came true and eventually they will.

“Act as if you have already achieved your goals. Believe that you receive. Acting with confidence and faith in yourself and your potential sends a powerful message to the universe. Accept your success right now. Don’t wait until you have actually achieved results. Act as if. …Radiating confidence in your ability to achieve them will catapult you forward in your journey.” Edwene Gaines (taken from her book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity)

8. Ignore the Doubters

Avoid negative people. They don’t have dreams, or goals and want everyone to be like them. They are dream robbers. Don’t listen to what they say as it’s usually negative. Most people know the phrase, “Haters gonna hate.” We have all had moments when other people – haters, bullies, or critics – tried to cut us down, deter us, or exclude us. Often they did this maliciously and their aim was to bully or control us. No one should stand for this sort of treatment.

However, sometimes people criticize in order to help us. There’s a big difference between a “hater” who criticizes destructively and someone who gives you useful, “constructive” criticism. Know how to react to and deal with abuse, how to tell bad from good criticism, and how to accept constructive criticism. Doing so will help you to grow as a person. Ignore anyone who is negative and focus on what you want. Ignoring the doubters will get you well on your way to mastering the 10 proven tips to get what you want.

9. Face Fear and Uncertainty

Develop confidence and trust in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself or your dreams, no one will, either. Face your fears. Fear will do nothing except delay you from getting what you want. Fear can range from the overwhelming desire to look away or stop in your tracks, to literally fleeing your country and the life you knew. A little bit of fear is normal. In fact, fear helps you instinctively protect yourself from harm. Your fear might help you to recognize when you’re about to do something dangerous and it could help you to make a safer choice.

But, you might find yourself fearful of things that aren’t actually dangerous, like public speaking. Your fear of public speaking might prevent you from advancing in your career and that can be frustrating. If you really want to go on a vacation to Europe, but your fear of flying prevents you from setting foot in an airplane, you might feel like your fear prevents you from living your dream. You may find that your fear holds you back or creates bigger problems in your life. Let your dreams give you the power to face fear and uncertainty.

10. Create a Master Mind

Find a team with the same interests and dreams, then work and think together. Have a soul mate who cares about achieving the same level of success as you do. There are thousands, if not millions, of people all over the world who have had a dream their entire lives, but will never see it realized simply because they never tried. It’s not too late to make your own dream happen. Make it specific, dream big (but dream right!), take it one step at a time, contact people in the field, talk to your family and friends, and consider what obstacles you’ll need to clear.

Whether you want to be a cook, an athlete, a pianist or a doctor, stay positive and keep focused. Before you know it, you’ll achieve your dreams, and reality will be sweeter than any dream you could have. Surround yourself with people who are likeminded and as brilliant as you. Develop a strong network of influencers who can help you get what you want easily and quickly.

10 Proven Tips to Get What You Want

These 10 proven tips to get what you want form the best success recipe. I used this recipe to achieve levels of success that I always dreamed of. These are the common tips which are used by the top successful people in the world.

Follow this success recipe and you will become a magnet that attracts success beyond your imagination.

It is all about your action. Do it now!


Considering career options?  Read: https://tipstostartingcollege.com/career-options/

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