18 Time Management Tips for a College Student


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Chapter 1

18 Time Management Tips for a College Student

Do you have problems with deadlines and commitments?  Do you sometimes wish for a twenty-fifth hour in a day or an eighth day in a week? You’re not alone. However, you can still improve on the most valuable resource, time. We will discuss 18 time management tips for a college student.

Use Your Time Wisely

You can never regain time once you lose it. In order to develop and advance in your personal life, it is critical to learn how to use your time wisely. When you get older, you could always go back and reminisce about your beautiful memories and experiences. Always keep in mind that time well-spent is more valuable than gold. Time management is a very vital instrument that can help you achieve success in school, your career and other personal undertakings.

Time Management Tips for Busy College Students: https://www.purdueglobal.edu/blog/student-life/time-management-busy-college-students/

Who Should Worry About Time Management?

Who comes to mind when thinking about people that are stressed about time management? The CEO executive? Possibly an owner of a small business who is overwhelmed. A soccer mom who has a van filled with kids?

It is possible that all these people came to mind. Nonetheless, have you taken into consideration that a college student will fall into this group? It is true. A college student is not free from the stresses of time management and struggle with juggling all of their responsibilities.

Typical Life of a College Student

Let’s consider the lifestyle of a typical college student who is very young in mind and heart, enjoys a social life and is still learning the ins and outs of new employment. As a college student you are supposed to manage your schedule properly, attend classes, study lessons, do homework, perhaps work a part time job and be an active participant in extra curricular activities.

It is hard to manage all these responsibilities, especially at a young age. Balancing the rigid schedule is always a struggle. If a college student mismanages their time, it will have lasting effects that will be displayed in their grades.

Time management is where you are able to manage your time by making use of its basic principles. Self management is key to success.

Benefits From Time Management

There are some benefits you could gain from time management.

  • increased accomplishments
  • an life of order
  • extra time
  • able to meet deadlines
  • overcome procrastination
  • the reduction of stress

Although, time management is a common necessity, it is one of the features we do not have a standard set of rules that applies for everyone. It is very much differs from an office worker, soccer mom, or an owner of a business.

18 Time Management Tips for a College Student

It is necessary for you to have a clear idea on how you spend your time. There are several time management tips for a college student:

  1. Make a schedule
  2. Establish a routine
  3. List your short and long term goals
  4. Set realistic expectations
  5. Study the more difficult subjects first
  6. Sketch out deadlines for your semester
  7. Remove distractions
  8. Are you spending too much time on social media?
  9. Plan a weekly schedule
  10. Create a daily to-do-list
  11. Set reminders
  12. Prioritize
  13. Get enough sleep
  14. Reach out for help when it isn’t working
  15. Allow for flexibility
  16. Break large tasks into manageable chunks
  17. Block out time for your job
  18. Plan for the unexpected


It is necessary for you to have a clear idea on how you spend your time. Use these 18 Time Management Tips for a College Student to help improve your time management skills, which in turn will increase your success in school.

Need help improving your memory in class?  Read 3 Key Memory Techniques! https://tipstostartingcollege.com/3-key-memory-techniques/

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