Lose To Precious Things


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Live up to dreams

 There was this family and I’m that family there was a little girl named Anna. And in the family the dad was the leader of the family. That family who was chosen to be leader had a dream  about the bad events to warn the village what was going to happen.And two days before a storm happened the family got a dream about a giganitic storm that was on its way to destroy and make the worst happen.

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Live Or Let Go?

 Anna’s father had a dream about the storm that was on its way. It was a storm that destroyed things. So they started to build a boat but, with a big house on top the boat. They put the wood and everything then after that they but the clay on top of the wood and let it dry. Then they put vines around it and tied it up. They made beds out of wood and put a furry piece of cloth that was long on the beds and then put another furry warm, long piece of fur and covered theirselves with that piece of fur. Then they left. It was stormy that night. They took food and water. About the third day it was still stormy. Anna got thirsty during the night, so she went upstairs I the house. She went up and........

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Lose to precious things

Suddenly, the boat started to crack. Anna’s family was still sleeping. The bottom of the boat was opening up. Her parents and her little brother Malchai who was only 1 was drowning.Since she was at the top and safe and well as well almost dead. Luckily, they brought repairs. The boat didn’t sink but, did get damaged. They lost mostly everything. She survived. She landed on a island. The island had another tribe. Her tribe was called “The Fearless And Amazing”.Now this tribe was called “ The Courgeous and Faithful”. She landed on an island that who knows if it was enemy territory. She just prayed to God that she would remain safe. She walked into the village. They provided her food, beverage and all her needs. They had no leader. So they made her leader of the tribe. Their village was destroyed. Many died at thee time.
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