Crimson Wings


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Aselarith , Nydealin, October 31st 1897


Abaythiel ran as fast as she could through the forest with only the moon light to guide her way. Beside her was her best friend and only companion, Eleririth. The Royals had discovered her secret, and she was on the run. She could hear the guards approach, closer with each step. “Don’t let them escape!” the commander ordered.


She glanced back to see them trying to maneuver through the dense forest, they were too big to move through the narrow trees with enough speed. She drew her gaze down to the precious bundle she carried in her arms. She held it closer to her as she began to run faster, holding back the tears that threatened to overflow.


She knew through doing this she would die one way or another. If she gave herself up they would kill her like they did Kaeoth, yet if she left the realm for too long she would weaken. She was ready to leave Nydealin to protect the baby she carried in her arms, her forbidden daughter. Hiding on Earth was her daughter’s only chance of survival, and that would kill her too.


They reached the part of the forest that cleared giving way to the portal. It towered over everything, a massive crystal arch that seemed to glisten even with the absence of the sun. She rushed to pull the key stone that had been hidden away in her father’s study. She inserted it and the arch began to glow sky blue revealing a large inscription that read Earth.


Abaythiel took one last look at her daughter with the knowledge that she would never see her again. The guards were too close, she knew she would have to stay behind and fight. She kissed her child on the forehead for the last time and handed her over the Eleririth. “Take her, please. Keep her safe.” Eleririth hesitated for a moment, then took the baby from her.


“I will no matter what.” Eleririth said as she stepped into the portal. She stood on a clear ledge made of the same crystal as the arch. Abaythiel could see them wave goodbye  through the portal wall. Everything looked distorted and blurred as if she were trying to look through a waterfall. She heard the guards break into the clearing behind her. She grabbed the keystone and threw it into the portal to Eleririth.  She looked at them for the last time before they disappeared.


She turned to face the guards pulling out her Nightblade, if she was going to die she would die fighting.   

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