Sometimes You Can't Be The Saviour Everyone Wants You To Be


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Who wants to be a saviour anyway?

A white noise came over the radio...everyone heard the name “Salira” over the contact. This name would mean little to any of the people who were around me. I knew the name for it was a name of one of my people. The commander of my people; the Garni. It meant there would be an attack soon. The humans I had shared this planet with for beyond twenty rotations were under attack and I could not stay. I had seen such attacks before; the humans would murder those who were of the same birth as the attackers. I had to escape. I made my way towards the one ship I knew of. Its name was Janu; the Garnin for saviour. It was my vessel and I would escape using it.

I made my way towards the vessel, as I did I became horrified as I saw two guards of the Hanun, the humans’ army, patrolling the area around my ship. I had to make it to that ship. So I sprinted towards them, sending rocks flying off in all directions as I traversed the rocky flooring beneath me. The guards raised their lasers, barrels aimed at my collar bones. In a desperate attempt to escape the damage I flung myself towards the ground and reached for my gun. I felt around but there was no weapon there.

They had moved their aim back onto me, as the beam of the laser began to start its sprint towards me I saw the one guard’s face light up in red as a laser scorched his face and knocked him to the ground. The other turned to face the unknown assailant. I made use of the opportunity by reaching my leg up and jabbing at his right arm with my foot. The laser gun fell to the floor with a heavy bang. I grabbed hold of his right leg sending him sprawling to the ground. Realising the opportune moment was now I lunged at him and bashed him in the face three times with my fists. I watched as the first drew blood, the second crashed in one of the bones in his cheek with a crunch and the third left his left eye with a red mark surrounding it.

I turned to look for who had helped me and saw no one. A white noise screeched into my ear drums causing a stabbing pain. It was a mystery to me why it had happened but it was a mystery I did not care for at this current moment. I made my way towards my vessel and set off in saviour as laser blasts enclosed the world I had once called home. I watched as both sides fired at each other with no consideration of the collateral damage. I could have possibly saved all those people I had grown up with if I had entered a discussion with my people but I felt my life would have been in jeopardy if I had.

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