A Powerful Kind Of Helpless


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The Father

 I woke up....my room smelling like skunk spray and looking like a prison. This wasn't anything new for me,yet there was something out of the ordinary that I couldn't quiet figure out.

"YOU I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" I jumped out of my rat chewed bed a screamed. 

"Shut up you little maggot eating slime ball!!!" 

This man did not scare me, this man was a drug addict. This man was my father....

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The mother

 I ran outside and went straight to the market...I didn't like stealing but,it was all I could do.   I ran to the fruity-and-spicy station just like always and got myself a free sugar spice bean syrup bag!!! The bag was a goody bag with a thing of ice cream, carrots,grapes,and sun glasses. Every day it's something diferent and every day it's the same rutine.

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