The Dark Age


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This story follows the tales of a race of people know as the Awoken, And their endeavors to prevent earths destruction from forces of the darkness slowly but surely closing in to put an end to the Humans glorious race

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Slowly  the strange shuttles touched down on the decrepit airfield, Unknown to the natives of that particular town under the cover of  darkness with the utmost care to keep it like that. Dark fog erupted from the open airlock as the crew inside cautiously walked down the ramp to tread on the crisp untended grass. These strange beings moved with total silence into the  worn buildings weathered down by time. The beings, or Awoken began to talk among themselves about task which was to follow. This small party had been sent down to the foreign planet to track an Awoken criminal charged with the highest crime, treason. The leader of the group was a fierce titan know as Zavalla,his second in command was a warlock known as Petra venj. There was also a hunter accompanying them who was simply know as "Nifty" she was a mysterious female awoken who never spoke to anyone much and preferred her own company to others. There were rumors that she had braved the depths of the tainted vex fortress the Vault of Glass in pursuit of  her fellow hunter Preydth and his fireteam. Long ago before the Forgotten Age the were soldiers born purely of the light  each with different abilities and talents. Titans were the brutes of the group, either defening there fireteam with there mighty Ward of dawn, a protective bubble conjured to withstand the forces of the darkness. Or they would deliver devastating blows with their fist of havoc slamming their entire body into the ground releasing a tremendous amount of energy killing all within range. The Warlocks were highly respected for their knowledge and the prowess in battle. They could launch huge orbs from the very void itself  vaporizing all nearby. But their most impressive trait was the ability to come back from the grave in a huge ball of fire and fury hurling death and pain at their foes.

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"We have to move fast" Zavalla ordered as he gathered his weapons from the shuttle lock boxes. "Dawn is fast approaching and the Queen has ordered us to stay away from the humans", " But why? if were going to come to their aid surely they first need to know we even exist ?!" Petra queried as she loaded up the troop transport full of awoken soliders."Because the Queen said so and that's it" Zavalla said clearly ending the conversation before it could carry on. As the transports rolled out into the desolate Russian landscape they had to stop more than once to avoid Human scout skiffs slowly circling the sky looking out for minions of the darkness. When the transports finally reached their destination outside a rickety subway station, The troops dismounted and begin to file down into the dark one by one leaving only three soldiers outside as guards, When they had reached the bottom of the staircase they reached a huge cavern hollowed out and lit by dark purple and red lights throwing shadows over the walls. Zavalla went straight for the War room tucked away in the side of the cavern in a separate cave.  "Welcome Zavalla son of Bornarc, we have been expecting your arrival for some time " Said a cloaked man wearing a pale blue mask and majestic grey hair falling down the side of his face." I am truly sorry War Councillor, we had some problems in orbit with a fallen gunship however we dealt with it" "Good, the fallen have been getting braver and braver and seem to be getting better weaponry every day" " Anyway we must address the problem of  the fugitive, scouts have reported seeing him near the city,as you know we cannot allow him to make contact with the Humans as of yet" "Yes sir I understand and I vow that he will be stopped before he can make contact with the Humans !" Zavalla stated.  

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