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"It doesn't work like that Chasity."


"Because without it, our society would fall apart. It's heresy to question the perfect order that the government has made."

"Is it uncle? Or has our world become too complacent to question if we're wrong."

Chastity Antell kept finding herself in theses conversations, or arguments rather with her uncle, who she lived with all her life because her parents were taken away by the government sixteen years ago, the year she was born, for openly questioning the government.

In the country of Dominatum, which covered most the North America continent where America used to be long ago, perfect order was the base of their society. There were four social classes: Chroma, Tint, Monochrome, and Diatonic. Chroma was the highest rank, people in this rank could wear bright colorful clothes, be in the government, have a say in it, and have education up to college and beyond. In Tint, the second highest rank, one could wear lightly colored clothes, have a say in the government, and education up to twelve grades. The third highest rank, which Chasity and her uncle lived in, was called Monochrome, the working class. As a Monochrome the only color clothes that could be worn was black and white, no say in the government, and education only up to eight grades. Then, in Diatonic, the lowest rank, only white was allowed to be worn, no say in the government, no education, and very hard work.

A caste system of sorts was also part of the government of Dominatum, the only chance somebody from the three lowest ranks could rise came every four years. The beliefs of their society, centered around what was believed to be perfect order, there were many restrictions in what the Dominatans could and couldn't do. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion were unheard of. Only heretics spoke of such things, and we're immediately stopped, or killed if caught.

About two years ago on Chasity's thirteen birthday, she found an old dusty cardboard box her uncle's basement of her parent's belongings. In that box, she found books on history, American history. At first, she recoiled immediately at the sight of the books, American history was banned to the public. Reading banned books was an offense punishable by death. Soon, her curiosity got the best of her. Chasity started reading and reading. She was shocked to find that her self-proclaimed perfect government was not, in fact, what it claimed to be. Being able to think, believe, speak, learn and live as you wish enchanted Chasity.

That's when she started talking to her uncle, in private, what if, she dared to ask, there was something better. Chasity knew that her uncle was suspicious of her going down to the basement, but that didn't stop her.

Her uncle was quiet for a moment, "Chasity, what's--" His words were cut short as an assembly siren wailed, "let's go."

Chasity and her uncle quickly walked out the door, as they headed for the center of the city. The assembly siren was used to call everyone whenever a new law was made, or something else important the government felt it needed to address.

"Psst, Chasity!" 

She turned around to see her blonde haired, and bright-eyed friend, Edith. Edith was in the Diatonic social class, and four years younger than her, "Hey, good to see you." She whispered.

"You too, hey, will you be able to teach me the alphabet, and how to write my name like you said you would soon?"

"Hopefully, if I have time after work next week."


The two friends talked for a little more soon they were with the mass of people in front of a single stage, Edith waved goodbye and joined her family. Behind the stage was their country's flag stretched out. The flag had a red background with four white circles in the middle.

Chasity quietly stood next to her uncle looking at the crowd which was organized into four separate groups for each social class. The higher the social class the closer you were to the front.

There were indeed social classes in old America, but not like this.

"Heed systematization!" Bellowed the government official with a gray uniform and officer cap standing on the stage as he held up his left hand.

"Heed systematization!" Echoed the audience holding up their left hands also.

Except for Chastity.

"Hear ye, people of the city of Ordinem!" The official started, "A new edict has been passed by our ruler!"

In old America, the rule of the president was limited by a constitution; in order for the people to have rights, and keep the president from becoming too powerful.

The official continued, "In action completely erase the memory of what this nation used to be from all Dominatans, may no man speak or even imply to the name America. Anyone in any social class found breaking this rule shall be put to death."

Chasity closed her eyes for a moment, she had just enough of what the rest of Dominatum called a perfect government, perfect society. Where had that old American pride gone so long ago?

"Anyone who disagrees shall be in danger of punishment, the edict has been made, the ruler has spoken." The officer concluded his announcement.

Chasity stood up, "I disagree."

The crowd turned to her suddenly, and a deadly hush fell over everyone.

"Chasity! No!" She heard her uncle hiss from behind her, but she continued. She felt courage, and a sudden boldness, she didn't care what the government would throw her way.

"What's wrong with the word America? Is it the freedom of speech we used to have? The freedom of to believe what you wished? To think freely? 
Why do you think America was made in the first place? To continue to Being under the rule of the king who was trying to control their very lives? No! This country was based on the laws of God and nature. All men by nature are free and created equal. This is not what our founding fathers fought and she'd blood for. Wake up Dominatans! We don't live in a perfect society, with a flawless system with a dictator as our leader. Is this what you call perfect order?" Chasity cried out to her people.

"The Monochrome girl has gone mad!" One of the Chroma men dressed in bright colors yelled and stood up furiously, "how dare you speak against our government and the ruler of our nation!"

"Mad?" Chasity replied, "it is not madness, I assure you, but knowledge. Why do think we are not allowed to read the history of America? Because if we did, we would know things that would inspire us to be free from the ultimate power of our dictator. Don't you see? We've been brainwashed! By banning those history books, by banning that knowledge many generations ago comes a society, a people that is devoid of the knowledge that all men are by nature free. Free to speak, think, live and believe as you wish!"

A young woman from the Tint social class stood up. "The girl is right! I, too,  secretly, have known about American history. And this Monochrome has, for the first time, given me boldness to take a stand!"

Then many people from all social ranks stood up and started cheering.

Then finally Chasity's uncle stood up. "For life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!"

"For life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!" Everyone echoed in unison. 

Chasity smiled. Her world was changing, right before her very eyes.


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