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This is the last book in The End series.

The books in order are: 




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Chapter 1

"It'll be just me and you for a while Lev." I said to the grey cat who walked along my left through the cold land as we traveled north.  

Lev looked at me at as we walked, then he meowed.

"Yep, until we find one of those villages Marlowe was talking about." I could see my words in the cold air. "Don't drink any of the water you find Lev, I have some that we can share."

I laughed as Lev meowed again in reply, he was a talker for sure. As we walked more I noticed that there was snow on the ground up ahead, soon me and Lev were walking through the snow. My army boots crunched, and Lev's paws didn't make a sound.

Then I became quiet thinking how I came from Madison, Wisconsin to now. 

Just eleven months ago World War Three struck. Russia sent a missile and then we Americans did, they aren't normal though. effects of the missiles had phenomenally devastating global effects. The plate tectonics are slowing down to a stop, the ecosystems of the world are shutting down, and the sky has become a complete grey now, and getting darker, and most of all the cities in the world are in rubble now because of the crazy affection radius of both missiles.

My very dear friend Max had a feeling we'd be separated, so he asked me to promise him that I'd smile, even when things go wrong. Before the missile hit Marlowe hurried me to a shelter, there I found Hadley my first new friend. After the missile hit everyone who took shelter went looking for survivors it was then I found Shinobu. He was holding a grey kitten named Lev that showed up on his front step mysteriously with a note which he gave Lev to me not being interested in cats.

I kept Max's promise all the way through meeting my two new friends Hadley, and Shinobu, we went to the army together we just made supplies for the soldiers fighting. I became well known and liked through much of the army, it all started when six girls asked me why I was smiling. Then one day I had an opportunity to find out Max's location all I know is that he's possibly dead, after that I lost all hope of finding him ever again.

A day after hearing those news keeping my promise has been harder and harder, and if things couldn't get worse the government wanted most of us who were taking care of supplies to go out and fight. Hadley, and Shinobu, my dear friends, including I were the only ones given the task of being messengers. Hadley collapsed of exhaustion, and dehydration, then Shinobu got shot in the shoulder by a stray bullet.

Shortly after that I got two packages, and a letter from Sergeant Marlowe who was like a father to me during my time in the army. He gave me two changes of chlothes, special food, water, and he gave Lev back to my care. The others who were left got called into being soldiers as well, and I couldn't go back. Marlowe instructed me to go north there I'd find a village. Because the army wasn't allowed to tell us our location, I have no idea where I am. I over heard the Lieutenant Colonel say to the Colonel: "Good, across a little bit of the Atlantic ocean from Ellesmere Island to--" and that's all I heard. 

So here I am. 

I wish I knew where here was though. 

 My reflection of past events were interrupted by a meow from as he Lev sat down near a stream of water and looked up at me. 

I  bent down near Lev, took a water bottle out from my shoulder bag, opened the lid, and poured some clear water into my hand. Lev walked away from the little stream and lapped the water up I had poured for him.

"Your a smart feline." I smiled at the handsome cat, then drunk some water too. I put the water back in my bag and picked up Lev. "Aw, your paws are cold. I'll hold you along the way how dose that sound?" Lev purred in reply, "Just tell me when you want to be put down." 

We walked further, I could see mountains with snow on them, a few plants here, and there, and a grey sky. 

I miss the blue sky. 

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Chapter 2

I stroked Lev's soft fur as my feet crunched through the snow. "Just how far north is the nearest village?" I asked nobody out loud. Lev poked his head out my cardigan and sniffed the air, then he wiggled in my arms, I put down Lev, as he walked in front of me. 

"What is it Lev?" I asked the grey cat. Lev stopped, looked up, than ran ahead of me. I ran after Lev, and soon he stopped, and sat down near an object. I saw a book lying in the snow, picking it up I blew the snow off it. "Anne of Green Gables. Maybe, were close to a village Lev!" I put the book in my bag.

My grey cat just meowed and walked back to me. "Yes, lets continue our search." Again, Lev followed besides me as we walked northwards. Then my stomach started to rumble. "Hungry Lev?" I asked as I reached in my shoulder bag, and took out a slice of bread from a small plastic bag, then I broke a decent sized corner off the bread and gave to Lev. I ate the rest. 

Thirty minutes later I saw another object in the snow. I ran over to it and picked it up. "Take a look at this Lev, a big box of light-bulbs." There was just a little room left in my bag, I but the box of light-bulbs on top. "I wonder if..." Looking down I saw several pairs of foot prints, "Perfect!" I ran along the footprint trail in the snow, with Lev by my side. 

We came upon some short mountain like rocks that stuck out of the snow, the prints followed behind these rocks. "Whoa..." A line of these rocks went straight ahead like a wall, and straight ahead I saw makeshift houses made from metal, smoke came from holes the roofs of the houses, and a few children playing in the snow.  "I found it!" I picked up Lev and scratched him behind the ear, Lev purred. I walked towards the village slowly to get a good look at it. 

I walked near one of the houses that was nearest to where the children were playing, and knocked on the door. A young woman that looked to be about twenty-eight opened the door, she had red hair that went past her shoulder, light brown eyes, black glasses, and she wore winter clothes. 


"I speak English." 

"Alright, where are you from?" She said in English. 

"That's... a long story Miss." I replied, "I know where I come from, but I don't know where I am now."

"Come inside please." She stepped aside, and I walked in. A little fireplace was to the left which made the place surprisingly warm. It was about the size of a small house, but made from wood, and metal. There were doorways to two rooms, but no kitchen just a big living room, Lev looked up at me and meowed.

An old woman and man were both sitting in their separate rocking chairs near the fire. The old woman turned, and looked at me. "Come here please. Whats your name child?"

"I'm Rae Wilson, and this is Lev my cat."

"Not from here are you? My name is in English is Alice." She nodded. The old man looked at me and Lev skeptically.

Just then a little boy ran inside, and stood next to the red haired woman. 

"Could you tell me where I am?" I asked. 

Alice replied. "Upper Greenland, and this is the Village of Byrjar Aftur." 

I gasped. Greenland? Max's boat capsized near here...  

Then the old man spoke up, his hair was a dark grey. "But where are you from?" 

"May I tell you my story? It'll explain." 


The red haired woman, and the boy, both walked over and sat down near the two elderly. And then I started. I told my whole story to them. They all listened intently until the end.

"Whoa..." The little boy spoke for the first time, then Lev walked up to him and purred. "Kitty!" 

Alice nodded. "Amazing." 

The red haired woman said nothing the sad look in her eyes spoke enough. 

"That's very amazing story."  The old man marveled, then he looked at Alice. "Why don't you introduce everybody here?" 

Alice laughed and stood up. "We are the Erinaq family. I am the wife of Vîliarme," She pointed at the old man, "His name in English is William, you mind if Rae calls you William will you Vîliarme?" 

Vîliarme shook his head. "Nope." 

Alice continued. "The young woman who met you at the door is my daughter Amalia, the little boy is Nâtat, Amalia's son." 

Then Nâtat spoke again. "My daddy disappeared the year I was born."  

"So," William started, "What jobs can you do besides programming?" 

"I know mechanics and electricity." I learned mechanics from Shinobu, and electricity from Marlowe. 

Alice almost jumped. "Wonderful! Then Alek will let you, and your cat stay in our village!" 

I smiled. "Who is Alek?"

William stood up, and put on his coat. "He is the Mayor, we decided to pick him as our leader. Let's go, his house is very close to here." 

I looked down at Lev who was sitting on the rocking chair where Alice had been. "Alright Lev, you stay here in house okay?" Lev made a small meow, and closed his eyes. 

Lev deserves a nap. 

The whole household, and I walked past several other makeshift wood and metal houses. We came up to a house a little smaller than the Erinaq family's house, and William knocked. 

A man that looked to be in his mid-thirties opened the door he had dark brown hair. "Who's this?" He said looking at me. 

"This girl came on a long journey and found our Village, she would like to stay." Alice said. 

"What's your name, and what can you do?" Alek asked me. 

I started. "I'm Rae Wilson. I know mechanics, and electricity." 

Alek had a look of astonishment on his face. "Well I'll be! And such a young girl as you. Are you fifteen?"


Alek smiled. "Where'd you learn that?" 

"The Army." Then I told Alek how I got into the army just telling him a few things I think he wanted to know. 

"Now I'm convinced. Your knowing of mechanics will be useful here, we have everything you need to make us circuits, except for light bulbs." He answered sadly.

I took the big box of light-bulbs out of my bag. "I found this along the way." 

Alek's eyes widened. "Our gatherer must have dropped that along the way, we have somebody that goes to the broken towns and gathers things. You can stay." 

The Erinaq family patted me on the back. "You'll stay in our house." 

"Thank you! Alright I can get started on the circuits for homes here, do you have, wires, bulb holders, power packs, wall switches, nails, and screw drivers?" 

"Yes we do, the power packs even have chargers."  

"Perfect. I'll get started right away."

"Good, the towns people are going to love you." 

Finally, a home.  

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