2045: Out of the Gravity


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Author's Note

Dear Reader,

This is one of the first (and worst) stories I have ever made, at this point in time, I wasn't very good at writing and the title is too long, but I hope you still enjoy it! XD 

- Coral V. 

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Hunter Naomi Wadden

"Hunter!" Mrs. Falcon called to her red headed second grade student who was engrossed in a 6th-grade astronomy book her dark green eyes scanned each page carefully. "The Principal wants to speak to you!" She said much to Hunters disgust.

"Yes Mam." She walked to the office down the bright halls. "What did I do wrong?!" Hunter asked herself. Inside the principal’s office she heard laughing.

"Mr. Martin? I'm here." Hunter declared reluctantly looking at his paper scattered desk.

"Hello Miss Hunter, do you know what your here for?" He asked with a serious face.

"No sir." was the reply back from the 8 year old.

"You don't belong in second grade." His serious expression melted into a smile. "You’re going to Mrs. Rails 5th grade class tomorrow!" 

Hunter paused her own thinking she had a hard time holding in her excitement. Then she looked Mr. Martin in the eyes.  "Fifth grade!? But they'll pick on me... and why am I going into fifth grade anyway?" She asked bewildered.

"See here Hunter, you’re in second grade but you have the smartness of a 5th grader maybe even higher than that. And I'll make sure you’re not bullied with little lady now you go to Mrs. Rails class tomorrow you hear?" He told her.

"Yes Sir!" She aplifiied grinning finally letting the excitement break lose.

The Next Day Hunter attended fifth grade. The teacher was kind, most of the students were cool with Hunter, and three of the students became her friend.  the thing was two particular boys, Jace, and Brad, just wouldn't get of Hunters back asking for answers on test, and keep asking her why she was so smart. three months later Hunter was feed up of this.

"Hey Hunt!" Brad asked in a raspy whisper "What’s the answer to Number 9?"

No response.

"Come on Hunty.. hand over the answer." Jace demanded a little over a whisper.

"Quit asking me for answers!" Hunter yelled at the two boys. She slammed her hands on the hard black desk, and gave the two a glare.

"Hey don't look at me!" Brad said back to Hunter with a mean grin. "Hunter, Jace, and Brad.. Come here." Mrs. Rails called.

"She yelled at me!" the two boys exclaimed in unison.

"I can see right through you two. Didn't I tell you to leave Hunter alone three times now?"

There was silence from the two. The teacher picked up her tablet and took out a stylus pen. "Sign here you two, off to the office." After it was signed Mrs. Rails pressed send and shooed them off to the Principals office.

"What’s wrong with me?" Hunter thought, and sighed looking back at her test

"What could possibly be wrong?" Her teacher asked. "They won’t bully you anymore."

"Why am I so different?" Hunter asked running her hands through her wild red hair. 

"Dear Hunter, your special you've got an amazing gift, and people will be jealous. So brace yourself for the rest to come."

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Skippin' Grades Again!

"Yo girl!" Jessica, one of Hunters friends, waved. "I hear you're going to 7th grade this year," she asked as she flicked her blonde hair, a spark of jealousy was easy to spot in her hazel eyes."Skippin' 6th grade then?"

"Oh hey, Jessica, yes I‘m going to seventh grade. What’s up with you?" Hunter replied having a little trouble holding her school books, she was ten now.

"I'm fine. You act like its nothing just skipping grades. Do you know what this means?" Jessica retorted with an odd combination of jealousy, and  nervousness.

"No, what?"   

"How other people see you," Jessica paused. "I've got your back."

At this Hunter was confused "Got my back? Or dose she mean she's got some popularity because of me? No wonder... Jess said "You act like it nothing skipping grades,"" Hunter thought, finally putting it all together. "Well," Hunter spoke up. "Guess I won’t be seeing you next year in sixth. Good Bye." and she walked of with an angry sigh.

When Seventh grade finally came around Hunter was hoping for some true friends, and if not, none at all. "I'm better off without them." She thought sometimes, and other times, "Golly it would be great to have some true friends."  One day things took a turn for Hunter again!

"So Class, did any of you take the challenge that I gave to you over the weekend?" Mr. Fifer the seventh grade teacher asked. The challenge was to remember as many digits of Pi as you can then recite it to the class. Only 4 hands rose. "John, you go first." John was able to remember 10 digits of Pi. then Beth went she remembered 15 digits of Pi then Nancy, saying only 17 digits. "Hunter," Mr. Fifer said. "How many digits of Pi have you remembered?"

At first, Hunter felt like giggling nervously, then smirking. She went up and said how many she remembered. "Sir that was the first 897 digits of Pi." There was silence in the classroom for a moment.

 Mr. Fifer had a look of bewilderment, "Hunter, that was amazing. You can sit down now."

As Hunter made her way to her seat her classmates kept giving her odd looks. Some of amazement some of jealously, and others gave her the "Man you’re weird" look.  The rest of the seventh-grade year was again the same A+ straight.

By this time the teachers started talking among them self's. "Now we have another problem." Mr. Rails told Mrs. Falcon. "What grade is she going in next!"

"How about High School?" Mrs. Rails suggested.

"But what about Martin?" Mr. Fifer said talking about the school principal. "Would he believe us that the girl is ready for High School?" He finished tapping his fingers on his desk.

"Well... I have always thought Hunter was a brilliant girl. We should tell Martin that she belongs in High School." Mrs. Falcon replied.

"Eh, I have to agree with that." Mrs. Rails added smiling. An hour after the kids went home the 3 teachers went to the principal’s office.

"Martin!" Mr. Fifer called

"Hello Fifer, what do you need?" Mr. Martin the school principal asked clicking away at his White computer.

Mr. Fifer started, "Well the school year will be over tomorrow, and it’s about er- Hunter, you see-" 

"Ah, yes, about the little professor. Me, the school board, and her parents decided that she is going to college."

There was a sudden dumbfounded silence from the three teachers.

"The girl is going to be 11! This Summer! And you’re putting her in College?" Mrs. Rails said putting a hand on her chest.

"She got advanced courses that are from the advanced courses in latter high school  in her 7th-grade year. So she’ll learn all she needs in college it would be best to put her there." Mr. Martin finished looking at the three amazed teachers.

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Smiles VS Frowns

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Getting to Know You

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The Purpose

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Mid-Year Party

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An Introduction To Your Destiny

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War Simulator

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"It's Official Now!"

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The Final Test

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Undisclosed Information

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The Real Thing

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