Soul Food


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It's Not Enough Salt 

Over Compensated 

Veins working vigorously to produce 

Too much pottasium to release sodium 

I hope you don't explode 

While we crave more taste 

We limit our days 

because health is wealth 

and we still live in the stone age. 

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Taste the Diabetes 

Under the myth that sugar create the disease 

more from the resistance of lipids 

Causing the tension to plaque our existence 

To stubborn to beleive that what we are eating 

Is the misguided way of seeing 

Your sweet tooth will fall rotten 

and your insulin shots prices will continue rising 

with a higher chance that your child

will inherit your childish environment 

How can a broken community be?

With miseducation on overcompensated 

sweet stimulation 

Ever arise it? 

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Fat Meat Aint Greasy

Well actually it is 

Actually the saturation

in saturated fat builds in you 

Act like a brick wall allowing nothing through

Even your blood 

I see why you use to a broken heart 

Blood never reached it 

So much pain feel like an attack on the heart 

Slow stroke because of hard thrust

You are what you trust

You are what you touch

You are what you eat 

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ZuZu's and WamWam's

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