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“Cade,” Sarah yelled, “come look at this!” Sarah watched as the news had shown a boy drawing with charcoal.

“What?” Cade asked as he came into the room. He had his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

“This kid, he’s…”

“That’s screwed up.”

Sarah had to agree, the art was of a man killing a woman. Only it wasn’t just disturbing that she was the victim, she had her entire insides displayed, and she was pregnant.

Just like Sarah.

The baby was still in its sac, dangling to the left of her body.

Sarah wanted to throw up.

“Look at the detail.”

“Yeah, that’s really…really messed up, Sarah.”

“Yeah.” Sarah shook her head, and then turned the channel to 3. There was a different kid, drawing the same thing. Sarah looked up at Cade, who was pretty much entranced by the whole thing. “What the hell?”

“I don’t know. Kids are messed up these days.”

“Yeah, totally. But, that isn’t the same kid, that’s…”

The lady on the news spoke. “We don’t know what’s going on, as you can see, Katie, we’ll just call her Katie, woke up like this and started drawing this disturbing image. Her mother, this woman on the right, couldn’t get her to stop.

“Ma’am, you say that she’s never displayed this kind of…shall we say talent, before?”

“No, this…S…Katie has never even colored in the lines before. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m really worried. I tried talking to her, but she’s been at this all day. Just rocking back and forth, and drawing this…filth.”

Sarah looked up at Cade, and then he took the remote out of her hands and flipped to 19.

More news stories. More of the same drawing. They never got really close, as the sketch was incredibly vile, but you could see the details of the woman’s shoes, and the curls in her hair. You couldn’t see her face though, or the man’s face that stood above her.

“Turn it off, it’s really giving me the creeps.”

Cade pushed the button on the remote, and they both moved on with what they were doing.


7 months later

Cade got out of his car, and walked toward Sarah’s office. On the way, there was a chalk sketch of the woman from the drawings on the sidewalk. Cade didn’t pay much attention to them anymore as they made him sick to his stomach, but today when he looked down, he noticed something eerily familiar.

A golden ankle bracelet.

One just like Sarah’s.

Cade ran, nearly tripping over his feet as he flew down the sidewalk and then up the stairs of her building.

There, on the floor, was his Sarah, their baby, and her golden bracelet, the one that he gave her for her birthday.

He screamed as he saw her lying there, and he screamed long after he noticed the knife in his hand and the blood dripping down his skin and puddling on the floor.



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