Never Lose Faith


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White brightness surrounded the four beings from every angle. There were two angels—one male and one female—an archangel and a newborn. Their footsteps were hurried on the white marble floor.

The female angel held the newborn close to her heart with anguished tears running down her face.

“It must be done, Elita,” the male angel commanded of the small, distressed angel. “You knew this was the reality coming into this.”

But Elita hadn’t realized it’d be this painful.

“Just give her some time,” her husband Gabriel responded, his voice tired but not at all holding the emotion Elita felt burning within her.

Elita’s heart was breaking and endearing to the young child in her arms. The baby girl had Gabriel’s blue eyes and a hint of Elita’s chestnut brown hair.

Gabriel wrapped a comforting arm around Elita’s shoulders and she could feel how palpable his tension was. Could imagine his bright, strong wings wanting to curl around her and their daughter.

But babies born of archangels were not allowed to stay in heaven.

Instead, the baby was to be sent to earth among mortals to live a normal life, returning back to them only when she died on earth. Such was the way of things for them.

“The longer you wait, the more attached you’ll become.” Kai, the highest ranking angel after Gabriel, was firm and knew what needed to be done. He had to make sure Gabriel had the power to let go when the time came.

Elita let a few tears fall as she gazed into her baby’s eyes and held out her hand for her to grip. The baby smiled and closed her tiny fingers around Elita’s.

“I shall call her Abby,” Elita said with a smile, not looking at either of the men and ignoring the grimace that had entered Gabriel’s face.

“She won’t be yours again for a while,” Kai said with a frown. “You know naming them is never a good idea until they return.”

“She knows.” Gabriel wouldn’t even allow himself to touch her and soon he stepped away from them, nodding for Elita to hand Abby over to Kai.

 The hallway they were in was long and wide, with a broad window showing nothing but sky and clouds. It felt like a mundane hospital, but would always hold more grief for Elita than any other hospital would.

“Till we meet again, young angel,” Elita whispered as she kissed her daughter’s forehead and surrendered her to Kai.

Kai nodded to her once Abby was in his arms, turning away from the anguished mother and stoic father.

When his shoes clicked down the floor and he turned out of view, Elita let out an anguished sound she hardly recognized. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but never like she was losing a great part of herself.

Gabriel neared her and tried to console her but she wouldn’t let him.

“How could you not even touch her?” Her eyes gleamed with fresh tears. “She’s your daughter, too.”

Gabriel sighed and placed both his hands on Elita’s shoulders. “She is not ours yet. And I don’t think I could have felt a connection with her and then let her go as you just did. Better not to get attached, as Kai said. We knew what to expect once you had conceived.”

The lines appearing on Gabriel’s forehead made him look older than his usual angelic self. His blue eyes looked defeated and his dirty blonde hair was in disarray. Elita realized he was as grieved by the loss as she was, he just didn’t want to show that weakness in front of Kai.

Elita closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Gabriel’s waist, allowing him to hold her in the comfort of his embrace. Hoping they would be able to endure the pain for the next few decades until Abby found her way back to them again.

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