Love is The Secret


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The Self-Help industry's roots have been founded for the sole purpose to help individuals' seek their true identity, have a sense of belonging to achieve eternal happiness. I very much connect to that statement as I am always longing to achieve a peaceful and happy state. 

My interest in the Self-Help world occurred when I came across the phenomenon 'The Secret' back in 2010 when my partner was going through a rough patch trying to find a job. I am very grateful to this day that I have met my soulmate as thanks to her I have managed to improve myself on a daily basis and continue to do so. 'I Love You'

The Law of Attraction is very mysterious in every way as a lot of individuals have tried to use it to acquire their lives of their dreams however only a small percentage achieve greatness however I am hoping that the power of 'love' will help you in achieving your dreams. The Law of Attraction states that everything you see has a vibrational frequency like the car you see passing by, that table or that rock. This is the reason why it is so important to oversee what vibrations you are emitting throughout the day and because vibrations are linked to the generic feelings you are emitting throughout the day, what can you do to feel GREAT?

I have tried pretty much everything out in the market like for example, meditations, visualisations, subliminals, different types of binaural beats like for example, theta, delta or Isochronic tones, muscle testing, faith healing and so on and so forth. The big issue is that there is so much material out there that it is very difficult to follow particular steps and the issue I have encountered is the fact that you could have yourself a 'shelf-help' whereby you use the material for a few days but then give up after only a few days. 

Why Happiness? Scientific evidence proves that doctors who are happy make 19% better decisions. You can find more examples by Sean Acker in his book called 'Happiness Advantage' or 'Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It' by Kamal Ravikant which I both really recommend. Another example is that optimistic salespeople outsell pessimistic salespeople by a whopping 56%. Students who are primed to be happy outperform neutral peers. 

I therefore by far a Guru or an LOA expert however I am only hoping this book will help you at the very least come close to acquiring your dreams and live a life full of bliss as it did with mine, maybe the fact that I am not a guru I can relate with you as much as possible. 


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Why is Love so Powerful?

What is the definition of Love? "A strong feeling of affection" or also "a great interest and pleasure in something". The Law of Attraction simply states Like attracts Like however using physics to explain the phenomenon all our thoughts are giving constant vibrations. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of what vibrations they are eminating as they just respond to external events and thus if you are watching the TV and the news are talking about the economy crumbling you will start being fearful and thus will starting attracting more fearful circumstances and events which will reinforce that belief. 

This is the reason why most of us state that it is only 'if' that particular goal will occur then I will be happy. Unfortunately, this does not work and thus the reason why I decided experimenting. Because everything relates to the vibrations emitted I started to do meditations and various visualisations along the way however what I noticed was that after doing that particular meditation or the visualisation I would go back to my old patterns of beliefs. Even though it is claimed that this is usually because of your subconscious beliefs which take a while to reprogram and that after you will start to automatically attract the life of your dreams. I do strongly believe this statement is true however because all of us come with a lifetime of limiting beliefs which are brought forward by the institution and some believe you carry limiting beliefs from your previous lives which therefore makes it even more difficult to get rid of all your limiting beliefs in your conscious and subconscious mind.

This is where I want to introduce Love! Why is Love is powerful and how can it help you manifest the lives of your dreams? When you love someone or something very deeply, how do you feel? What emotions come to your mind? How do you feel? In the Omega chart of emotions, you can find Love being one of the highest vibrations with only Enlightenment, Peace and Joy coming on top. Love is the quickest way to raise your vibrations as it is so common in your life and often forgotten because of the busy lives we all live however I will give you a few examples of what Love can do for you in the next chapter.


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A Practical Example of Love

When I think of Love, the easiest person I can start with is my soulmate. At any moment, I can think of her and so many memories spring up of moments which relate to what I refer to as the love frequency. It is effortless and the great thing about it is that at anytime of the day, no matter what is happening around me I can activate this vibration as this is how powerful Love truly is.

I wanted to give you a personal example which is one of the many I personally use to raise my vibration. Every single morning upon waking up which I believe is the best time of the day as it sets you on the right path to have a great day, no an amazing day! This is my personal meditation, you can play a song that means a lot to you, preferably something soothing like natural sounds or the beach however you can also do it without any background music if you wish to do so. 

"I love myself, I love myself, I love myself, repeating this for at least 5-10 minutes, the reason why this is powerful is that you need to love yourself before you love others, you will find it a lot easier to love everything else and everyone else. After  this amazing process which I have learnt from the book 'Love Yourself Like You Depended Upon It' I then start visualising a past event which I experienced a strong sense of love and affection. One of the many events I truly love to visualise in the morning is the day I proposed to my fiancee. I organised a trip to Bali as we always had a 2 week holiday during the summer since we met 6 years ago at University. I had already bought the engagement ring which I had to hide meticulously throughout the whole trip and it was very hard as she was the one usually packing the luggages. I had already contacted the manager of the resort which I had explained what I wanted and organised a dinner on the beach on our 2nd day in Bali. I designed a heart made of roses with the sign "will you marry me?". On the evening, I just told her I would go prior to her so that I could make sure that our booking was indeed confirmed and she thought it was just a casual dinner, once she arrived her eyes lit up and funnily enough there was at least 10 guests watching on and I was there in the middle of the heart all sweaty as Bali was very warm and I was also very stressed on my knee giving my small speech and taking my ring out and she started to laugh as I had the box the other way around and everybody else was laughing too, it was a moment we would never forget, it was truly the best day of my life. we are getting married this year and I cannot wait to spend the rest of life with her and make our wedding day an amazing day full of love. I am actually visualising that day on a weekly basis as this is the key to creating your ideal life if you mix emotions with visualisation more often than not this will become reality. This is the key to making the Law of Attraction work in my life. 

The reason why I find Love to be very powerful is because the effects last a lot longer rather than when I practice Gratitude or Forgiveness which are very powerful however I feel that Love surpasses any feelings you may feel by thinking about grateful events or forgiving individuals. I am open to suggestions and looking to learn everyday thus I really want feedback from this book! If you feel you have a great process to which you can feel great everyday and every minute of the your day. 

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Implementing Love For Your Finances

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Implementing Love For Your Careers

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Implementing Love For Your Relationships

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Implementing Love For Your Health

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