Future Present And Past


Tablo reader up chevron


 Hi I'm a boy name Micheal and the story I'm going to tell you may not be true but in my book world it is.So when you tern the page remember you will never stop reading.

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Chapter one Past

One day a young boy named micheal

Went to school for he was in fifth grade not  organized.But a kid with a great  attitude.As he was on the bus something did not feel right for it was a black and red bus,same bus number,same bus driver but all different kids.As his backpack was on his shoulders it felt lighter than lighter then it was  gone.The bus made it to school he walked in but as he did he realized the door was unlocked and no one standing there like there  usually is.He walked up the stairs and they felt longer finally he made it to his classroom.As he opened the door a bright light shined in his eyes.No one knew why but he walked in.Bash he here'd for the door had slammed.A voice like silk spoke to him hello welcome to class.But as the light cleared a new teacher he said.New classmates.And  uniforms he felt surprised he asked the teacher if he was in the right class.She said are you Micheal Frace Melillo yay wate France Melillo shhhh the teacher said.Your late but new so I  yes I can give you an excuse.Now sit down you must take the test.What test no one told me about a test I didn't study.Also I'm not new.Well you be  QUIET....Now take the test.But but but I shhhhh you sit  here.Were is your  backpack and uniform.What  Do you mean my backpack huh uuuhhh here the teacher said a pencil.Aaaa thanks he said with a  confused  voice.

He felt like that silk voice had gone away not only that the kids on the bus weren't  in school.He got a  tissue he looked out the window and their was no parking lot.He asked the teacher what year are we in she responded 1834 WHAT.He opened the door it was just the hallway so he opened and shut it and opened and shut it.No bright light no way back.He ran out of school going to the spot his house is it was it was a farm.He was scared he he started to cry.Just to see the inside he opened the door.Another bright light he said this might be the way back he went in and.....

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Chapter two  future

Bash the door slammed a voice like a grouchy angry man say hello get in the light closed he was in the army.What what war are we in ooohh something must of hit your head we are in  World war one What Micheal said.AaaasA he herd from outside the camp grounds boom blought shoot ass something wet and red splattered on the tent.Blood all on the ground also the tent.Wow who hired you a 10 year old 11  actually.AAAA Well aaaaaaa someone  screamed,stay here hide onder that blanket so no one will see you I have to go.Wate he was gone as he lifted the blanket another bright light hu he said he closed his eyes put the blanket over his head and bam.He was gone.A voice like a robot spoke "hello" I am "a"robot" please come fly with me on this hover board.Wow he said what time zone are we in as he said his   Question he felt scared to ask.3017 Oooo God wate were are we going to your time wate you know im  actually  supposed to be in 2017.Of course I scanned you I'm a robot you know.Here we are.Ha haha yay I remember that yay who's those kids hay those things there holding look like fedgett spinners.You mean a fedgett spinner  ultra.All rate this is the portal to your time go now please he went boom blant fleece bleet back home he was.His mother said the   Principal said you were not in school today mom believe me please tomarow take the bus with me and I'll explain where I was or when I was.I went to bed.Then I woke up I said to my mother are you  ready to go on the bus with me what are you talking about.So lesson you have a new bus number and a new bus color wate a minute Micheal said.He went on the bus and the same new kids sitting in the same spot in the new bus.Then I had an idea when 5 minutes  passes by I  Will term my neck to see if my backpack is there.It was gone just as I  suspected so I called my mom and told her meet me at my school,Why she asked I need to show you  something then I hung up, she came.The same thing happened no one was at the door it was still unlocked stairs still felt forever finally to the door I would open with my mom bam a light shined I told my mom come this will explain what happened and bam....

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Chapter three

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Chapter the end

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