Short lived rebellion


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Authors words....

Sometimes, the ones, we see as enemies are the ones who are truly our friends.

We never want to consider that adults know what they say. We don’t want to think that their right. We don’t want to think that they actually know what’s best. But often times, they do.

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“I’m sick of rules! I’m sick of you!” Heather screamed at her adopted father and mother. They had tried to raise her well, tried to show her she was loved. But the fact she was adopted weighed heavily on her. What was so wrong with her, that her Real parents didn’t want her?

“Heather, Please. Your father just wants what’s best for you.” Her mother tried to say, trying to calmer Heather’s anger. Heather though smiled a wicked smile. A smile that both her parents saw, they knew they lost her. They lost the little innocent girl she once was. She was a curious soul, and bound to do what curiosity leads people to do…..wander.

“Go to hell.” She said with a smile, turning and heading to her room. Her mother looked to Doug Heather’s father. Her eyes pleaded him to talk to her, pleaded him to do something. But he couldn’t. “We lost her. She’ll go either way.” He said quietly, standing up and walking outside.

Heather wanted adventure, she wanted fame. She wanted to experience the world. And so she would, she would experience every ounce of earth. She would experience what the world gave freely…..sorrow.

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High way

Heather leaned out the convertible, the rushing wind made her blond hair dance like an electric current. Her parents wouldn’t stop her, they couldn’t. Jimmy was the best choice, she knew it. He had asked her to come live with him, down in Louisiana. She had just recently turned 16, her parents could have emancipated her. But no, they wanted to stop her from having a happy life. So Heather left any way, she left the legal documents of emancipation on their kitchen counter. By the time they find her, on report of a run away, she would be 17. They couldn’t legally take her back; she was at full age to take care of herself. At least that’s how she planned it.

She sat back, grinning at Jimmy, who grinned back. “What babe?” She tilted her head, “I just can’t help but notice how dang attractive you are.” He smiled and looked at himself in the mirror, “I know, I have trouble stopping myself from staring at me too.” Rolling her eyes she slapped his arm “Shut up Jimmy……….hey are we almost there yet?” Jimmy eyed her threw the corner of his eye. She threw her hands up “ok, ok, no more asking. Got it.”

Jimmy was six years older than Heather. They had met through a friend, and just stayed together. Jimmy though wanted to move. He said the ‘good life’ was nowhere close to Indiana. So he asked her to come along. She agreed, and so she ended up on the high way with him. But she liked it this way, just him and her. No parents to constantly ask what she was doing, where she was going, just her and jimmy. Life was better without rules, right?

It had already been two days. She was tired, cold and hungry. Jim even put back the roof of his convertible. Jimmm.” She complained, holding her stomach. He watched her wiggle in her seat. They had finished the last of the food yesterday; she would just have to wait. “Jimmy, I’m hungry.” She whined. “I know! Don’t you think I heard you the first hundred times?!” he shouted suddenly. Like a deer caught in head lights, she starred at him wide eyed. He didn’t have to shout.

Thirty minutes of silence passed. Finally Jimmy sighed, “Ok, listen I’m sorry. You just keep saying it.” She still lay with her head against the window, her face turned. Dang it, she was so stubborn, “I’m sorry, do you forgive me?” Still nothing. Leaning forward a bit, he saw her face at rest. Her eyes closed and her chest rising and falling calmly. She was sleeping. “Oh…..” he said to himself.

He drove in silence. He had no idea why he snapped on her. Perhaps he should take a nap. He had been driving for two days. Just as he was ready to pull over, he saw a gas station. Thank the heavens. He pulled up and turned off the car, locking the doors behind him. Walking up to the gas station he paid for his gas and picked out mostly junk food. It would last them long enough.

Wakening up, Heather found herself with a bag of chips and candy bars on her lap. She looked to jimmy who was fast asleep. He needed it, he had driven a long time. She opened her candy bar quietly and slid it out. Trying not to munch loudly. Suddenly she noticed they were in a parking lot. Looking behind her, through the back window was a tall sign that read ‘welcome to Louisiana, Home to sea food.’ She smiled to herself. He had driven the whole way.

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The smell of cookies

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He's not the same

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