The falling star


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Rachel. her name was Rachel, her name was Rachel and she didn't know what the hell she was doing standing outside that blasted door. she knew she shouldn't be there, it was detrimental for her well being that she wasn't there but she could never resist the pull...

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Chapter 1

I'd never know someone as stupid as Rachel Maddox. she was an idiot, that was probably me being unfair but she had never seem to know when to give up. I know it seem like a good trait to have, determination but not when your life was in danger and yes, her life was in grave danger. The danger was there only because she was stupid; only because she she was stubborn, only because of me.

It would seem like I wasn't taking her matter seriously, oh but I was but the stupid stupid girl just wouldn't listen. she kept badgering so I kept drawing away, I mean no one likes a nag but that doesn't mean I'm trying to justify what if done to her, it's not because of that I just knew we were going to end up in this situation but she didn't listen to me because she thought she was smart. See what I mean. STUPID.

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