Life with Out Barriers


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 I was the youngest of two sister and one brother My mom and dad struggle to make ends meat and provide for us It was not easy as they worked picked us up in school And are sure she made dinner for us I do remember going to school and coming home and doing homework all on my own Yet if I need help with math my dad was there It was not easy being the youngest I felt the need to really help my mom with cleaning the house and with small things around the house Well as I got older my brother moved on and my sisters moved away from home I still remain to be around my parents approx until the age of 22 Well I learn how to be depended I still remain helping mom and dad Taking them to appt and do errands for them And making sure they was okay with food or etc Than while in the hosptial stay  I met this this man while I was in the hosptial after I had broken up A six yrs relationship with my exfiance .He was my roommates brother Well he went to vist her And that is how we met Well it was a year that I was determine to break this unhealthy relationship with my ex Yet we remain friends I Than end up in the hosptial for kidney stones And what end up to be a one day stay into a bit over than one week .At that time I met my roommate in the hosptial and mom She  had her Mom vist and family members as well so her mom said she wanted for me to meet someone her son And I told her I was not interested in meeting any one Yet one thing let to the other and we end up meeting And the first thing he said I will marry you You will be my wife And he was very determined And we end up in a relationship And got engage and etc Than I wanted to have a child And we end up living together and everything was beautiful Than I was working at the time and decided to take a vacation to Puerto Rico to give my parents the good news And they was happy that finally after age of 35 I was pregnant Well I flew back to NYC And I lost my job due to lay off Everything started to change I was high risk due to my epelisey and other medical issues So doctor told me I was high high risk And I need to make a choice either my me or my child to be born well I decide my daughter was going to live instead of me And even against her dads wishes I sign papers that I want her to live It was Than my life was in danger with my health I started to get sick and end up falling down the steps from my home and in and out of the hosptial Yet I still was determine to have my child I finally was on my semester to give birth One morning in Aug 2004 I was at the hosptial for a routine check up As my doctor was checking me She said I am sorry we must admit you And I was really disappointed Becuase I still had errands to run and food shopping So I was admitted at the hosptial And I was induced labor for 72 hrs of labor High risk labor to top it off With out eating I was starving and I told my brother to please get me something to eat And he didn't want to Yet after he really seen I was nauseas he decide to buy me a snickers  bar lol And that snickers bar turn in to a meal for 3days opprox So finally it was time to deliver I was a high risk patient so I had a high risk birth And a special doctor that deals only with high risk I tell you it wash nightmare  Than when I realize giving birth was no joke I became ill into a sweat and could push through Than a doctor a regular midwife stop by and said to my doctor I will help her give birth and they said no Yet I was loosing my baby I couldn't seem to push any longer And they finally aloud her to help I finally gave birth to a beautiful 7.12 lbs baby girl I also was told while in my pregnancy my daughter my Have special needs At 7 months into my pregnancy they said she My have a cliff mouth and nose I was devasted I honestly worried about how society would look at my daughter or make front of her Yet I prayed and said I will have my child no matter what So at birth I refuse to see my child.Becase of what I was told And I refuse to see her After a little while they convience me to see my child And they was wrong My child was so precious .I will admit she has health issues yet nothing I And my mighty can conquer Because a love  of a mother is unconditional Well it's been approx 14 yrs And my life has not been sweet yet it could be worse I now became disabled due to so many health issues Yet I still struggle to take it one day at a time I am a single proud mom And if I have to do it all all over again I would I my advice to you single mom or moms never give up hope With your faith and struggle anything could be achieve Lessons that I gain I  learn never depend on a man or family Do what you have to do Even if things get tough We may cry and ask why me yet there is a answer for everything in life And my answer to my story is that I became this strong women and mother of a 14 years old And would never turn back to allow this beautiful young teenage to be born She is my life the reason for me to still struggle Even when I just want to say I am done If you hold on tight  with hope There It's you will see things falling into place The End

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