Cruelty to children - our strength or weakness?


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Chapter 1

The child is easily hurt. The vulnerability of children to violence is explained by their physical, mental and social immaturity, as well as a dependent, subordinate position in relation to adults, be they parents, guardians, educators, teachers. A large role in the spread of cruelty to children is played by the lack of awareness of parents or persons substituting them about what measures of influence are unacceptable in relation to a child, a lack of understanding that not every punishment is good for him.


In our country, the problem of child abuse has been hidden for a long time. Children who suffered from violence were provided only with medical assistance. In recent years, society has been unable to deny and keep silent about this problem. An analysis of the cases of child victims showed that children who are victims of abuse need not only medical, but also psychological assistance.


So, child abuse is not only about beatings, injuries, sexual harassment and other ways adults mutilate a child. This is humiliation, bullying, various forms of neglect that hurt the child's soul and lead to serious damage to the health, development and socialization of the child.


Violence occurs not only in families of social risk, but also in prosperous ones. Some types of violence are not always recognized. Abusive parenting destroys the expectation of love, trust, and care that is essential to social development and the development of a healthy individual.


For many years, children were believed to be a privileged class in our society. Only recently have we found the strength and courage to admit that this is not always the case. It turned out that it is much easier to acknowledge and believe in the widespread prostitution, drug addiction, and the growth of criminality than to accept the bitter conclusion about widespread abuse.


The realization of the rights of the child, their protection from any form of violence, the happiness of each child largely depends on ourselves, our attitude to the infringement of children's rights.


A child needs not only to be loved, this is not enough. He must be respected and seen as a person. Do not forget also that upbringing is a "long-term" process, you should not expect instant results. If the baby does not live up to your expectations, do not boil. Calmly consider what you can do to change the situation over time.


Here are the four commandments of a wise parent:


- Do not try to make the child himself. It does not happen that a person knows everything equally well and knows how. Even the most adult and wise are not capable of this. Surely there is at least one business with which your child copes better than others. So, praise him for what he knows and can do, and never scold him for what others can do!


- Do not compare your child out loud to other children. Take the story of the success of other people's children just as information.


- Stop blackmailing. Permanently exclude such phrases from your dictionary: “I tried, and you ...”, “I raised you, and you ...”. Dear parents, this is called blackmail in the language of the Criminal Code. Most unfortunate of all shame attempts. And the most ineffective. 99% of children answer such phrases: "I didn't ask you to give birth!"


- Avoid bystanders. If an ugly situation really arises (the child is rude to the old man, threw a tantrum in the store), you need to firmly and decisively take him away from the scene. After that, calmly, without witnesses, explain why this should not be done. Here it is quite appropriate to call the baby to shame.


The main thing is not to forget that everything must have a measure!

Sunflower Kids uniquely supports Kentucky families and safe communities through Supervised Visitation Services. Sunflower Kids values safety, justice, and respect so that all individuals are empowered to live free of violence -

Do not strive for virtuoso parenting. In communication with a child, there are no and cannot be forbidden emotions, but on one condition: he should not doubt the unconditionality of your love. He should feel that your discontent, irritation or anger is caused by his act, and not by himself. Your child cannot be bad because he is a child and because he is yours.

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