10 Keys To Writing A Speech


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10 Keys To Writing A Speech

Speech writing is not that unordinary for a college student, and it's not that different from writing essays or other assignments. While that's the most popular case, it can be used in so many other situations, be it a wedding, anniversary, your work or just an orator competition you decided to take on.


It can be undoubtedly hard and challenging, we agree, but even failing your speech is not the end of the worlds. After all, you can master it, and you'll get better for sure if you try multiple times. Yet, if it's very important for you to get your high grade, we're here to present you the ultimate 10 keys and tips for a perfect speech.


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1. Write it as you talk

Sure, writing speech reminds us of a simple essay, but that’s not the case here at all. Unfortunately, you will have to redo your creation if you try to perfect it in a casual assignment way or you’ll have to use speech writing service. Otherwise, you're screwed. Don't forget that your work needs to be talked out loud and not just written to your friend online.  Don't use complicated words, sentences, don’t be strict with rules, and everything will be okay.


2. Understand the type of your speech

While we’ve already covered some of the types, you need to determine the real one. There are several types you can find online and in college books, they are:

·        informative – informs your audience about any topic, it can be about public services or applying makeup, etc.;

·        special occasion – entertain the audience at a special occasion like a wedding or graduation;

·        persuasive – persuades audience to keep your point of view;

·        entertaining – custom and humoristic, entertaining your audience.


3. Determine the length

Understand what the length of your creation will be and practice it out loud by checking how much time it takes. You don’t want to bore writers who are willing to listen to you, and you need to open the theme enough for them to understand.


4. Start with a powerful introduction

Your introduction should catch the eye, or should we say the ear of your audience. That's what will get them interested in your speech, so you have to make it interesting and clear. That will also tell them what the point of your performance is.


5. Organize the body of the speech

While you’re trying to organize your speech, think of different parts of the body as a paragraph for every point you want to prove or tell listeners about. Determine what your flow will be and how many parts the body will have.


6. Listen to other works

You can hire a tutor or ask someone to study with you, but the best way besides practicing is listening to other speeches. That way you’ll be quick to pick your style of performing, and you can understand how different methods work.


7. Practice like a professional

It’s an obvious and perfect way for overcoming failures – practice a lot. Sounds overused and easy but planning to practice speech writing and performing is important if you are striking to be good.

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8. Pick a limited amount of ideas

Don’t try to jam all your unique writer ideas into one speech. Remember that taking one or two ideas and trying your best to prove them or talk about them in a limited amount of time is a good way to go. That way you’ll be sure about your success.


9. Use catchy facts and examples

You can't make it interesting and catchy without research, and every customer service does it that way. Focus on your theme and find concrete facts and statement to talk about. Your audience won't be confused then, and they'll be invested in your idea.


10. Make it simple

When you have your first draft – read it out loud carefully and slowly to understand where you should make it even simpler. Professional speakers say that the key is simplicity and straightforwardness, and they can make your wording clearer and easier.


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