Goosebumps: The Haunted Televisioun


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Chapter 1: chrash!

 Hi I'm Rosie Parker, I love watching tv,  but one time I couldn't leave the screen

 Rosie and her brother Daniel were cheering for there faveriout baseball player like Michele ploy and Andy Murray. "Oooohhhh both 10 10 can Andy score or lose the finals... AND THE CROUD GOES WILLLDDD" she cheered as she shook Daniel firestly with ecsitment. But all of a sudden the TV lost connection and exploded in 1 second. Rosie jumped back and whispered "on the count of three we run, 1 2.." There was knock at the door so they opened it with great fear but it was mom and dad thigh there arms crossed "what was that noise" screeched mum "what have you done" explained dad, Rosie and Daniel were clueless of what happened so dad bursted "let's go to the shops that TV was getting old anyway," "but anyway, for now you can use the tablet, if you can find it." Rosie was surprised by the way how they dint over react (although it was a flat screen television.)

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The television center

 1 week later, and a day, they set of to the television center where they only sold the best televisions ever, like Panasonic or Apple, lg and of corse the greatest television of all time (not to mention the weirdest) lh100 which can never fail you. Finally they arrived but nothing looked familiar, it looked high tech like 2219 style,as soon as they got in they saw a big man dressed in pure midnight blue cloak. He stared at us sinisterly whith his blood shot red eyes and mounted slowly "follow me"And so we followed. 10 feet away because of his Gargantuan cape that fluttered as we turned through The corridors. There was a little room whith a big TVs inside

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The haunted tv production

 1 week later they were of down to where all the best TVs were sold like Panasonic or ld, orange and of corset he best but weirdest tv in the whole entire world12W

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