Broken Seashells


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 I remember drowning, my heart was beating and my was trying to get a hold of something but no one was there. I never thought my life would end like this but I Guess my life had to come to a end one day, I Guess today's my lucky day.

It was black and my ears where filled with water and I couldn't open my eyes I was so scared that I would see a bright light like you know how they say "walk to the light" but then felt someone's hand  in mine it didn't feel like I was heaven because of smell if smoke coming from the burnt hamburgers that my dad was cooking. Than a voice came in 

"Seth!! Please baby you need to wake up come on you need to wake up".

And I opened my eyes and saw a light it wasn't as heaven like but than my eyes settled in I saw a girl but I couldn't make her face out then I woke up and realised it was a dream just a dream 

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