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"Night, Blair!"I call out reaching for the door.

"Goodbye!"She adds and I head out. I hug my coat tighter when I feel the cold wind nip at my nose and cheeks. Tucking a stray lock of hair behind my ear I exhale a breath and start walking to my small rundown car I've had for centuries. The white snow beneath my boots scrunches under my weight. I reach into my pocket searching for the familiar rattle of my keys. Finally reaching the small rundown car, I unlock it and climb in. 

"Bloody hell!" I quickly turn the heater on cuffing my hands to provide warmth. Soon the air is warm and I start the engine and exit out the lot. My favorite song Hallelujah by Alecia Keys comes on the radio making me sing along to the lyrics. 

I drove down the similar route to my cabin in the middle of the woods. Ironic really because most people would've avoided the woods reason being rumors spreading about killings and dead bodies found, the wolves. I didn't to restrain from going to my limits and I bought the damn house to prove those cowards that the wolves didn't cause the killing, the people did, The hunters. They simply blamed it on them because they were wild animals. They were simply creatures.

I am not buying their bullshit. I have SEEN things. Not like the other people in town have because The Hunters unusually covered their tracks well. So far, I haven't been harmed in any way, plus, I'm happy. As much as I hate our town's policies and laws, I couldn't do anything about it. All I was left to do was stay out of it and try to ignore it. 

By time I get home, I'm exhausted. I barely make it to the door before slipping my boots off and slipping on my slippers. 

"Grams, I'm home!"I yawn and walk over to the kitchen expecting to see her there but it's empty. I hum to myself confused and lean against the table to open the cupboards. I grab a mug and make myself some coffee. I sigh exhausted as I walk over to the fireplace to check for wood. My eyebrows furrow when I find it put out yet plenty of wood is there. 


Grams never put it out.

The familiar set of panic on the pit of my stomach grows by each passing minute when I look to the side to find the poker next to the couch. My breathing quickens, "Grams!" I search my bedroom, the laundry room, her bedroom, but they're all the empty. I could help but let a lone tear stream down my face as I head over to my last resort, the backyard.

She always did keep it nice and healthy, the variety of the garden was incredible, it had almost all the colors of the rainbow. What magnified it's beauty greatly was the single tree resting in the middle. This tree held a lot of memories but something in my gut tells me it's going to hold one that will haunt me for the rest of my life. 

"Grams?" I very steadily creeped up to the tree. I leaned on my toes and craned my neck bracing myself for the worst. 

There, laying helplessly on the grass, was my beloved grandmother's lifeless body, clawed and scratched with her crimson blood staining the grass. She had her delicate little arms braced around a grey coat. When I look closer, I am mistaken. It was one of THEM.


One of the Wolves.








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    "Grandma!"I rush to her side not even caring for the mug I dropped. 

"Grandma! No, no, no!" With shaky hands I roll her to her side as careful as I possibly can. The mysterious creature in her arms whippers startling me. "Oh god!" Unavoidable tears blur my vision and I suddenly find myself not being able to breathe. "Grandma! Please... wake up!"I shouted and bury my tear coated face in the crook of her neck.

This can't possibly be real.

The pain in my chest is immensely great. Grandmother had become the one person I trusted most and relied on after my parents. After the accident. She has taken it upon herself to care for me and love me unconditionally and I couldn't have been more grateful. The fact that even after she lost her daughter she kept strong for both of us. Just the thought alone brings a heavier weight to my chest. She was perfect in every way possible. And now she's gone.

I fist her coat close in pathetic attempt to bring her back from wherever she went, hoping to see her open those beautiful joy filled green irises that always felt like a day in spring. Having that slight slither of hope that maybe, maybe she isn't gone, that nothing of this was true and that I had not lost the last of my family. That maybe this is all a dream, and soon I'll be waking up any second from this nightmare. But I knew, it wasn't a dream, deep inside, I knew it was real. And I'm not ready to let go yet. Her heavenly scent mixed in with the stench of iron blood fill my lungs but I ignore it.

"Grandma.."I whispered against her cloths hugging her close desperately seeking her warmth that, for some reason, she always provided, instead what greeted me back was an eerie silence. I don't even bother reaching for the phone because I hugely suspect she's been here for a while.


If only I hadn't taken that extra shift she would still be alive breathing, talking back to me, scolding me for helping her clean, telling me stories about my mother, telling stories of her young days as she put it when really, she was always young in her heart and soul. Just as I was about to go inside to call the sheriff station, a sudden movement makes me still in my tracks.

I had completely forgotten about the creature laying next to her body. He was larger than most wolves I've seen, this wolf was very large, It could have easily snapped my neck like a twig, it's fur glossed again the light of the full moon gorgeously. I, very carefully, crawled over to it's body whilst sniffling and inspecting it's wounds. Gashes of blood deep withing it's neck and a bullet on the inside of one of it's legs. 

I hear a whimper coming from the grey wolf. He looked seriously hurt, red claw marks decorated it's limp form like a painting, the creature's form rose and fell, the fur was dampened in blood. My heart clenched for it,  it pained me to see it hurt like this and I didn't know why. I've seen other wolves hurt vaguely similar to this. It felt foreign for me to feel this way.

I needed to do something about it.

But how?

Wiping my tears away I pull myself together and wobbly jog over to the wooden storage shed. I remember when father worked hard on gardening the yard so perfectly the way mother wanted it just to make her happy. I recall he stuffed all the gardening supplies in the shed but throughout the years, I never had the will to open it. Up until now.

I took a deep breath and wiped my clammy hands down my coat. Grasping the handles I opened the doors wide and reached for the flashlight. Quickly searching for the wheelbarrow I brought it next to the wolf. It was shaking uncontrollably and a wave of panic swept over me. I didn't how I managed to have enough strength to  drag it onto the wheelbarrow but I did. Despite feeling terribly exhausted I pushed past it until I reached the shed and lifting the hurt creature on the wooden tabletop. I found a soft blanket and used it to cover the poor thing to keep it from shivering.

I heard the worst possible thing that could have made this worse. A banging followed by muffled voices coming from the front door.


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 Sometimes it’s hard to believe that what is happening now is some purpose god made out for us or that everything we do is a purpose. Or what happens to us has a purpose. That this was all a plan for my future, my past, and my present. And that the tomorrow will never come If I keep staying here frozen in my spot like a fool while hunters are trying break into my home.

In a haze and noodle like legs I search for the wall safe in the shed. My father never trusted people in this town maybe because he too was suspicious of the people that got close to us. Long story short he opted to make his own safe on the back wall of the shed that faced the fence where he kept his collection of handguns.

Once reaching the wall I twist to wrench on the far right corner and the wall slid open to reveal the safe. I typed in the code on the keypad, opened it once hearing the beep and grabbed a glock 69 before checking for bullets. I closed the safe and the slide the secret wall back to its place.

I heard a loud crash coming from the front door effectively sending alarm bells going off in my ears so Ixlosed the shed door. If my past self were in this situation I would've run to the hills and left the injured wolf to die. However, I didn't have it in me to do it, I don't know what it was that had me clinging on to this creature, feeling for him, feeling his pain in the depths of my heart. 

Maybe it's the fact that Grams had her arms wrapped around him like it was the last ultimatum she had or that the way she clung onto him like she often did to me whenever I remembered my parent’saccident. If she held him that way it meant that he was very important to her. I had to find out why she had her arms wrapped around that creature like it was her last wish, all scratched and bloodied. And also, why she was killed that brutally just the same way the wolf was hurt. 

I didn't want to remember again, I didn't want to blink because every time I closed my eyes I saw her, or what was left of her. I saw blood and I saw her pale skin. Then I saw my parents and the times we’ve spent together as a family. The happy moments we shared. I was scared to think about them…the rest of my family. 

Right now what I needed to do was focus on trying to stay alive and not get killed by the Hunters.I suddenly heard muffled noises coming from outside making me grip the gun tighter and switching off the safety lock. Very carefully I opened the shed door just an inch, enough for me to see what they were doing.

I couldn't see their faces due to the darkness but I could still make out their figures. There were about three of them, two men who were dressed in combat military clothing and a short lady wearing the same thing. Their postures stiff and alert as they talked amongst themselves clearly afraid of someone hearing them. One of the men dismissed himself and left inside the house alongside the petite woman. One man stayed and walked closer to my grandmother’s body. 

I wondered what he was doing because all he did was look at Grams. He was just there…staring. His face muscles expressionless and neutral, completely blank. The only thing I got of him was his cold-merciless eyes.They were as dark and dangerous as an alley in the cold night. Like when you'd been lost with no light to guide you, like a place where souls were forgotten and tortured.

Just the thought alone sent shivers down my spine. Its ironic how this could have easily been a movie scene and he could have been some normal guy who just doing his part. But I knew better, this was no movie or show or act, this was happening and he was no actor, he was a Hunter. It was almost as if he held a grudge against her but at the same time he was satisfied to see someone so weak and helpless laying on the floor.

I hadn't noticed I leaned closer until I heard the door creak. He instantly snapped his head towards my direction, panicked I gripped the gun and hid behind the door. I was sure my heart couldn't take it because of the erratic beating of my heartbeats, pounding in my ribcage.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in-

I heard the scrunching of leaves getting closer.

Breathe in. Breathe in. Breathe. Breathe! 

I couldn't breathe. I was holding my breath afraid of getting caught by a murder in my backyard. 

“Hey Asher! I got something!”I heard the other man say much to my relief. The man I assume is ‘Asher’ sighs and mutters nonsense to himself along the lines of ‘being crazy’. “Ah-alright! I’m coming!”He replied, I take a peek through the door just as he turns back around and jogs into the house.


When he’s out of sight I breathe and relax. 

That could've gone the ugly route…

I heard a distinct noise coming from behind me, like if someone had moved.


I barely have time to react before I'm being trapped against a wall… a very tan wall. I look up to bright green eyes staring down at me. My legs felt like noodles and my heart pounded against my chest.

It was a man.

I have never seen a man this beautiful. Not hot, not caliente, but just… beautiful. The planes that sculpted his face were almost as if made from Da Vinci himself. Bruised high cheekbones and chiseled jaw with a slight stubble… even his nose was perfect. Dark, unruly wet hair layered on his forehead and under one of his almond shaped eyes had a nasty looking purple-green bruise started to show its way to the surface. His pupils started to dilate and the thick plump lips that had a nasty gash of blood parted. He looked carnivorous and hungry for something.

Well, I too felt hungry but not the kind that is expected at this kind of situation. I hadn’t noticed I had gotten closer to him until I felt it. Then I noticed he was naked, bloodied, and bruised. I wondered how he could survive in such a state.

My sense of reason came back to its senses sending warning bells to back away from the stranger. And how stupid was I the second I touched his marble like chest to try and push him away, he gripped my wrists to pull me closer.

“What are you doing?” His voice was croaky and rusty. I’ll be damned if it didn't turn me on. But I thought, why was this man in here? And where the hell was the wolf?

“A-are you going to kill me?” I swallow hard trying to keep the lump in my throats at bay. His brows furrow and looks at the gun in my hand. And just like the a puzzle that had been solved, something must have clicked in his mind because he let go of wrists and grabbed the blanket from behind him before carefully wrapping it around his waist, much to my disappointment.

A voice from outside snapped us to present and his posture tensed once hearing the voice. He shushes me and leans in to look throught the ajar door. I obviously do the same trying my best to stay alive and not be killed by him. 

“There’s nothing in this shitty dump!”The man that went inside to search the house earlier was now talking to ‘Asher’ holding my mug.

I hope they don't think it's mine

“I found this but I think the old hag was using it before she was killed.” He says nonchalantly and shrugs. With no emotion at all. Like it was a normal everyday thing, like if it were a walk in the fücking park! I grounded my moles of my mouth.

Asher nods. “Get rid of the body, we don’ want any people finding out about this.”He points to Grams. The other man nods once and strides over my Grams body and slings her over his shoulder like she was as light as a sack of feathers. This was absolutely against my wishes, I wanted to grieve her death first, bury her body next to Grandpa’s grave, she would've wanted that, she would've wanted to be close to her husband. Who she had commuted herself to by signing a paper, till’ death they part. 

 Where would I go when I need to talk to someone? Everyone I knew was dead except Blair, my co-worker.

I sniffle and wipe the moisture under my eyes. I was aware of his intense gaze at me but I didn't care. I needed to grieve her death, just for a minute. I never had a purpose or a drive to accomplish something because I already had what I needed just by being there with my family, I didn't need anything also as long as I was with my family,but now? I do because the rest my family is gone, the people that I loved the most I had lost. I had this new drive. That one day I would bring down whatever the heck the Hunters were doing or planning, I need to find out why so many people are missing in this damn town. I had a new purpose.

The bring those bitches down back to where they came from…


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