Don't Sh!t Me


Tablo reader up chevron


It's astounding how rude and inconsiderate some people can be and it shits me.

I'm sure you have experienced people down the street who have shit you with their behaviour, there's possibly even a friend or family member that shits you too.

This little book seeks to highlight some of the situations and events that shit me and probably shit you too, you might even want to give it to one of those people as a gift.


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Get Out Of The Way

If you're down the street or in the mall and you want to stop to talk to someone or do just about anything else, get out of everyone's way.

Too many inconsiderate people just stop in the middle of the footpath or at the top of the escalator without a single thought about the people that may want to simply get by.

Stop being so inconsiderate and step aside!



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