The Twisted Mr. Bendy


Tablo reader up chevron

10:00 P.M.


Your mom and dad are going to go ballistic if they find out.


I’m gonna sneak out. I take it you’re not coming?


Wrong. I’m definitely going.


Great. I’ll meet you out back at about 9:50 or so.


See ya then.



Int- kitchen

Kate enters and sneaks out the back door. She is met by Margo. They drive the couple miles to where the hypnotist is performing. The girls enter the premises and Margo flashes the blue tickets in front of the ticket lady and the two girls are ushered inside.

They are at a college in a gym. They find a couple of empty seats up front and take their seats. Mr. Bendy walks out onto the stage. Something is under a large black tarp.

Mr. Bendy

Hello, Wittenberg. Are you ready to be astounded, stupefied and petrified?


Oh no.


What are you freaking out about?


It’s that creep, Mr. Bendy.




Mr. Bendy. That creep that…. Never mind.

Mr. Bendy pulls out a gold watch and starts to swing it.

Mr. Bendy

Gaze upon my watch


Margo, shield your eyes?




Do it.

Margo, shaking her head, does as she is told. Kate does the same.

Mr. Bendy

Upon the count of three, you shall remain completely still, only uttering over and over, kill, kill, kill.


Did you hear that? Kill? What’s that about


I don’t know, but its bad news.

Most of the crowd, except for two, are completely hypnotized. Mr. Bendy rips off the tarp and Kate gasps.

Tied to the table, is Beth Green! A giant blade descends from the ceiling. It starts swinging slowly back and forth, lowering with each swing of the blade.


Kill, kill, kill


We have to stop this!


I agree, but how?

Kate rushed the stage. Margo follows behind her, but she trips Kate pulls a Pet Townsend and slides under Mr. Bendy’s legs .Kate tries to untie Beth but is apprehended by Mr. Bendy. He sticks her with a hypodermic needle in the arm. When she awakens, Kate realizes she is complete darkness.

A match is struck and Kate sees Margo’s face reflected in the light.


Margo. You’re alive!


Yeah, but what are we doing in this dungeon?


I don’t know, but we better….

Kate notices a body sliced in half, lying on the dungeon floor.


Oh my gosh, Margo, look!


No way.

Margo bends down and notices something very different about the supposed dead body.

Margo (chuckling)

This isn’t a dead body. It’s just a mannequin.



Kate bends down and sticks her finger in the red substance on the ground. She smells it.


It’s corn syrup.

Kate lets Margo smell the substance on her first two fingers on her right hand.


You’re right.


Mr. Bendy must be playing a game with us.


How are we going to get out of here?

Kate looks around. There is a guard leering at the other side of the bars.


You girls are in for a real nasty surprise?


We already got a nasty surprise when we saw your ugly face!


You’ll hold your tongue when you face the executioner’s axe?

Molly and Kate (in Unison)

Axe? Yikes!


Don’t go losing your heads over it. Ha ha ha!

Molly and Kate shudder. His footsteps can be heard. They are heavy stomping.

Kate feels her knees go weak. She stops herself from falling.

Kate (whimpering)

We have got to find a way out of here.


We will, we just have to think.

A secret passage opens up. The girls walk over to it and peer inside.


Do you think it could be some kind of escape route?


Looks like it to me.


I hope there’s no rats. Yuck.


Don’t be such a baby. It’s better than getting our heads cut off.


Probably be a lot of spiders in there.

Margo shudders. The girls notice there is something different about the passage.


It looks like a slide?


Where do you think it leads to?


Only one way to find out.

Kate slides down feet first down the mysterious slide. Margo waits a couple minutes.


Kate? Are you there?

Thirty seconds of silence before Kate speaks.


I’m here


Look out below. Here I come!

Margo slides down after her friend. She lands on her butt. She notices she is in a dimly lit room surrounded by mirrors. Kate is already feeling around the walls, looking for an escape. They appear to be in a sort of maze.

Margo starts feeling around the walls. She bumps into a mirror.


Whoever calls this a funhouse is an idiot.


Yeah, this is totally not fun at all.


Definitely not fun.

A familiar voice comes over the loud system

Mr. Bendy

Attention girls, you will never survive my funhouse. Being headless ghosts isn’t so bad. Just ask Marie Antoinette. Heh he.

Margo (whispering)

I hate that clown.


Me too. I just want to punch him right in his purple nose.

The girls make it to a rickety bridge, over some hot lava.


There’s no way I am crossing this rickety bridge. We’ll fall through for sure and get burned up in the lava.


If we stay here, we will die.

Kate (folding her arms across her chest)

I’m not leaving this spot.

They hear scurrying behind them. They turn and see an angry swarm of rats hurrying towards them.


I’m ready to cross the bridge now!

Kate hurries across the bridge and Margo follows behind her. One of the boards gives way and Kate falls through. She struggles to hold on, but the rats are drawing nearer. Margo struggles to pull her best friend up. One rat crawls on Margo’s shoulder and both girls scream in unison.

Margo grabs the furry critter by its fat tail and tosses it over the side of the bridge. Margo manages to pull her friend to safety and the rest of the bridge behind them starts collapsing behind them as they run. When Margo and Kate get on a platform safely, the rest of the bridge gives way and the rats fall in the lava.

They escape the funhouse and immerse themselves in a weird amusement park. It is all black and white, even the people, like in an old movie. The patrons in the park, shuffle. As if they are sedated!

They wear forlorn expressions on their faces. The rides are shoddily made. Kate is grabbed by the shoulder. She spins around and sees her father. He is standing with his arms folded across his chest. He unfolds his arms and shakes his finger in Kate’s face.


Young lady, you’re in big trouble! Your mother and I have been worried sick! Luckily your friend Beth called and told us where you were. She says you went off to see some hypnotist.


You said Beth. Did you mean Clouse?


Of course. How many other Beths do you know? Especially that are class president.

Kate (mouth hanging agape)

Class President? But I won class president.

Kate turns and looks at Margo.


I’m class president, right?


Are you nuts? Beth Clouse is class president.


But you don’t even know who that is.


Of course I do. Snooty Beth Clouse. Little miss popularity.


Who am I trying to save?


I don’t know. I’m not even sure how we got here.

Kate Thinking to herself)

Mr. Bendy is messing with me. He’s brought Beth back and changed reality back to the way it’s supposed to be.


Margo, I’m going to be taking you home. Your dad said he needed time to cool off. He sounded pretty angry.


Can you adopt me? I’d rather not face my dad if he’s in a mood.


Be grateful parents can’t paddle their kids like when I was a kid. Between the principal and my old man paddling me, it’s a wonder I can sit at all.


That makes me feel more apprehensive.

Kate sits in the front seat and Margo sits in the back. Walter and Kate drop Margo off first. Kate and Walter arrive home. Doris sits at the kitchen table, stirring a cup of coffee. She races to her daughter and hugs her.


Are you okay? You had us worried sick.


We’ll talk about your punishment in the morning. Got it?


Yes sir.

Walter (shudders)

Don’t call me that. Makes me feel old.


Sorry, goodnight, dad!




Is there anything you want to talk about?


No I’m pretty beat. I’d like to just get to bed.


I understand. Goodnight.


Night, mom.

Kate and Doris embrace and Kate exits. As she is climbing up the stairs, she thinks to herself.


Why is Beth back in the picture?

What was the point of Beth telling my dad where I was? Things didn’t add up. What does Beth know?

Is she in cahoots with Mr. Bendy? Could she be Mr. Bendy in disguise?

Did Mr. Bendy have that kind of power?

What is Mr. Bendy?

Kate retires to her bedroom and rips up the diary and throws away the diary in her Cleveland Indians Wastepaper basket.

Int- Classroom

Kate taps her on the shoulder. Beth greets Kate with a big smile.


Hi, Buddy. How are you?


Since when am I your buddy?


You’re my bestie. Didn’t you get the memo? Ha ha.


You’re totally not funny. Cut the games. What is going on here?


I don’t know what you’re talking about. You should probably sit down. Cass is about to start.

Kate (slamming her fist into Beth’s desk)

Don’t tell me what to do. Tell me what you’re up to.


Do you need a hug?


No, I want to punch you in the face.


Violence never solves anything.


I don’t know; I say we give it a try.

Kate balls up her fist. She is about to swing but thinks to herself.


I’m already grounded for a month. Why make things worse for myself?

Int- Cafeteria

Kate and Margo sit at the back of the cafeteria. They have the table to themselves.


Do you have any idea what happened last night?


All I remember is being at that weird park and your dad coming to get us. I kind of feel like most of last night did not happen or something erased most of my memory. It’s not like it’s possible. I mean it’s not like we’re the guys from Men In Black. Right. Ha hah.



Beth appears by the table. She sits next to Kate. She wraps her arm around Kate’s shoulder and leans in close.


Hi bestie.


Bestie? Have you hit your head? You and Kate hate each other.


Hate her? We’re best pals. Right, Kate?

Kate slides Beth’s arm off her shoulder.


Not exactly.


Are you mad at me?


That’s it.

Kate slams down her empty tray.


I’m being Punk’d. Right?

This is just one big setup?


Nope. This is real life. Definitely.


Maybe you should go now. I don’t want to have to take an extra-long shower tonight to scrub off your secondhand taint of snobbery.


How about we let Kate decide if I should stay or not?

Kate (groaning)

Just go!


Fine. I’ll go. See ya around, Kate.


You won’t be missed.

Beth’s eyes grow wild, as she glares at Margo.


Something is weird with Beth.


Beth’s just weird all the time

Margo shakes her head


Yeah, but I mean she’s acting even weirder than usual.


I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m going to find out.


Good, keep me posted.


Will do.

After school, Margo and Kate are walking each other home. After dropping off Margo, Kate decides to go to the library. She checks out a book on the occult and does research there in the library.

She turns to the chapter on Mr. Bendy and reads aloud.


Mr. Bendy is an ancient, evil entity that prefers to disguise itself as a clown, with the ability to hypnotize people. It hunts predominately children and will usually make robot clones the victim it wants to feast upon. The clone will be usually take on the complete opposite personality of he or she that is being imitated.

Mr. Bendy does this to alert the victim that Mr. Bendy originally targets. The target he does not eat. This is the owner of the diary. Whoever writes in the diary, he wants to torment until they go insane, commit suicide or die of natural causes. It will keep eating victims the target knows. I.e. family, friends, and acquaintances. Jackpot

Kate pulls out her cellphone and calls her mother.


Mom, can I have a friend over?


Well, you are grounded, but sure. You can have a friend come over for a couple hours.


Thanks, mom.

Kate hangs up and calls Beth.


Hello, Beth? Can you come over today? I want to give you a makeover.

Robot Beth

I’ll be right over!

Int- Kate’s bedroom.

Kate takes Beth into the bathroom upstairs and has her look at herself in the mirror.

Kate (brushing Robot Beth’s hair)

Aren’t you pretty?

Robot Beth looks at herself in the mirror.

Robot Beth

Master? What do you desire?


Show me where Mr. Bendy is hiding the real Beth.

The girls climb out the bedroom window and Kate hops on her bike and pedals as fast as she can. Robot Beth is in the lead and she is just running. She leads Kate to the amusement park where her dad picked her and Margo up from. Robot Beth leads her into a purple tent marked private.

Int- tent

Mr. Bendy has his back turned to the girls. He is facing the real Beth. She is strapped to the table. He turns around. He is wearing a bib and has a butcher knife and fork.

Mr. Bendy

What are you two doing here?


Let her go, or you’ll be sorry!Mr. Bendy (chuckling)

Is that so?


Get her, Robot Beth.

Robot Beth and Mr. Bendy tussle. Kate hurries and unties the real Beth. Robot Beth knees Mr. Bendy in the shin. He bends over. This allows robot Beth to seize the evil clown by the throat. His head expands bigger and bigger like a balloon. Mr. Bendy drops his knife and fork.

Robot Beth

Hand me the knife!

Kate does as she is told. Robot Beth stabs the clown in the cheek and his head explodes and it starts raining confetti inside the tent. Robot Beth, real Beth, and Kate all slap each other high fives. Real Beth hugs Kate.

Real Beth

Thanks for saving me. I thought I was filet mignon for sure!


Don’t mention it. I am just glad you are alright.

Robot Beth

I have completed my prime directive. I must self-terminate.


Isn’t there another way?

Robot Kate

Negative. Goodbye.

Robot Kate closes her eyes and falls to the ground. When she hits the ground. It sounds like heavy metal hitting the floor. Beth slides her arm around Kate’s shoulder.


Maybe there is a place for you as my vice president.


Wow, really? I’d like that.


It’s the least I can do. You saved my life.

Kate (extending her hand)



The girls shake hands.

Int- classroom

Over the PA system, Mrs. Harding’s voice booms through the school.

Mrs. Harding

In an act of goodwill, Beth has appointed her running mate, Miss Kate Green, as her new vice president of the student council.

The entire class cheers. Mr. Davis stands up from his desk and claps.

Mr. Davis

That is the true spirit of Lorraine Middle School. Generosity, friendship and teamwork.

Int- kitchen sc

Walter, Doris and Kate are all seated around the dinner table.


Your father and I are really proud of you for being named vice president.


Yes we are. In fact, your mother and I have decided that we can drop your grounding.


Really? Thanks.


But that means you have to keep your nose clean. You can’t be going and getting in more trouble, okay?


Okay, dad.

Int- Kate’s bedroom

Kate is sleeping, snoring. Camera cuts to Kate’s dream.

In dream, she is awakened by her mother’s screaming. Kate jumps out of bed and races toward the sounds of the scream of her mother. Kate opens her bedroom door and finds her house looks very different. The wall is made of an orangey spongy material and they kept contracting as if they were breathing.

The screams seem to be emanating from downstairs. Kate races downstairs and hurries into the kitchen. Kate lets out a horrified gasp. She sees Mr. Bendy standing there He is strangling Doris. She thrashes wildly and finally goes limp. He throws her to the ground and stares up at Kate, grinning.

Mr. Bendy

Be still my beating heart. You’ve returned to me.


We killed you!Mr. Bendy

You can’t kill that which is eternal.

Kate turns around and tries to run away but it is as if she is running in Jello. She can barely move. Mr. Bendy sneaks up behind her and grabs her by the waist. Mr. Bendy drags her kicking and screaming into a set of nearby woods.

Mr. Bendy drags Kate into a yellow house. It is a full size house but looks plastic, like a doll house. Inside, the furniture is life size but plastic. There is a plastic table set up with a plastic knife and fork and even plastic cups. Mr. Bendy ties Kate up to a chair.

A man with a ghostly white face, ceramic looking, like a doll’s enters. He is six foot three and slender and clad in black. He is holding a tea pot. This is not plastic. He pours hot tea into each glass. There are two glasses in total. He drinks from his own glass. Mr. Bendy forces Kate to drink the tea. Soon, Kate is plastic herself. She cannot move.

Mr. Bendy

She’ll make a fine addition to your collection, Doll Man!

Doll Man


Effortlessly, Doll Man carries the doll up the stairs and places her in a closet, cluttered with numerous other living doll children. Kate wakes up, screaming. Her mother bursts into the room.


Kate, honey? What’s wrong?


Nothing, mom. I just had a bad dream.

Doris (sits down beside her daughter on the bed)

You want to talk about your nightmare? Sometimes talking about it can help.


No. I’m alright.


Okay. Well goodnight then.



Kate drifts back off to sleep. She goes into another nightmare. This time, she is on a platform, hovering above a circus going crowd. The crowd all start to laugh at her. She looks down and notices she is wearing clown attire. Mr. Bendy holds up a mirror and shows her she is wearing clown makeup and an orange fright wig.

Down below, Doll Man is holding a megaphone, dressed as a ring leader.

Doll Man

Boys and girls and their parents: I present to you the most reckless stunt ever performed at the circus. Kate the clown will ride this unicycle across this burning wire.

Doll Man points upwards.

Doll Man (Continues)

She will do this while hovering over this live shark tank.

Kate looks down and gulps. She gets on the unicycle and starts to ride the line. She goes slowly. The camera shakes a couple times. She looks out into the crowd, but their faces are mostly obscured in darkness. She holds her arms out, trying to keep her balance.

Mr. Bendy lights the high wire on fire. Hurriedly, she pedals, but Kate loses her balance and falls into the swimming pool. The crowd lets out a collective gasp. Kate emerges her head above the water and rubs her eyes. She comes face to face with a great white. She frantically swims away and hurls herself out of the pool. She lands on the floor with a hard thud.

She is quivering on the ground. Kate sits up, rubbing her chest. Struggling to breathe. She has gotten the wind knocked out of her. The crowd erupts with applause. She places a hand in front of her eyes, to block the spotlight in her eyes. She stands up on shaking knees. The Doll Man walks over to Kate and towers over her.

Doll Man

Do you hear them? You’re a big star.

Mr. Bendy steps up on the other side of Kate and grabs her hand.

Mr. Bendy

Come with me, and you will see another reality. The world starts to spin. Mr. Bendy and Kate soon find themselves in a proverbial nether space. Clocks and sand timers floated around in the air.


Where are we?

Mr. Bendy

Where you are is in the place where time does not exist. This is where I dwell. The Journal you wrote in, is the portal where monsters dwell. Demons and Gods lie beneath this place’s creeping skin.

This is the place where the souls of the Doll Man’s children dwell.

Forlorn faces of children surround Kate and Mr. Bendy. The spirits hover in suspension.

They let out ghastly wails. Kate clamps her hands over her ears to drown out the hideous wails.


Quiet. Stop it, please.

Her eyes pop open. She wakes up. It’s still dark outside. She stares in the darkness.

Int- Classroom

It is afterschool and Student Council and of course the president and vice president are in attendance.


I propose we make the cheerleaders’ uniforms white and blue.

Kate is leaning against her own hand. She is looking away from the group. Beth takes notice of Kate’s disinterest and confronts her.


Kate? What do you think?




What colors do you think the uniforms for the cheerleading team should be?


Whatever the group wants, I guess.


Is something wrong?


No. I just didn’t get much sleep last night.


I see. Well, as vice president, it’s up to you help us with the pressing issues that affect the entire student body.


It’s just cheerleading outfits.


For the sake of our friendship, I’m going to pretend I didn’t just hear that.


Black and Gold I guess.


I can see you are not cut out for vice president. Perhaps you should resign.


Fine with me. I don’t care about politics.

Kate gets up and exits the room.

Exterior- School

Kate walks in the rain. She places her book bag over her head to keep the rain off it. Her steps are hurried. She stumbles a couple times, but quickly loses her balance. She comes home and notices the diary she had torn up is now sitting on her dresser. She picks it up and opens it up. The pages are intact and it looks like a brand new diary.


No way. How is this possible?


The diary starts glowing. The key lifts off the dresser and inserts itself into the diary’s keyhole. The journal starts flipping through the pages frantically. It goes flying out of Kate’s hands and lands at her feet. Words appear by themselves on the page. When the diary is done writing in itself, Kate picks it up and reads the words aloud.


Mr. Bendy may be dead, but I’m very much alive.

In my collection you will dwell, your soul I will fling to….

The diary flings itself from Kate’s hand and lands on the bed. She races over to the book, picks it up, opens her bedroom window and flings the diary out the window. She shuts the window and plays on her computer.

She starts checking her email. After a couple minutes, she gets an instant message.

Instant Message




Instant Message

I’m watching you.


Go away, creep.

Instant Message

I will add you to my collection.



The audience is shown Kate clicking the block button on her computer screen. She logs off the computer. She goes with her dad to the video store. He goes off to the romance aisle. Kate😍he heads straight off to the horror aisle.

Titles like Bloody Midgets 2 and Brain Suckers from Venus sit on the shelf. She picks up a copy of It Came from the Garbage Disposal and starts reading the read up on the back. Someone brushes past her. She looks up and sees a man wearing a dark hat and a scarf is wrapped around his mouth.

The brim of his hat casts the rest of his face in shadow. She watches him walk out of the aisle before giving him a shrug. Her dad comes into the horror aisle, clearly holding some sappy romance film.


Did you pick out a movie for you and Margo’s Movie night, Saturday night?


Did you pick out a movie for you and mom’s romantic movie night, on the same night?


You bet ya.


What is it?

Walter pulls the film out from behind his back and shows it to Kate.


Lovers in Paris? Nice touch.


Your mom’s a real sucker for these kinds of movies.


She always cries.

Walter (smiling)

Yep. So what morally reprehensible piece of trash are you getting?


It Came from the Sink.



Walter pays for the films and father and daughter exit the store.

Transition screen: Halloween/ Saturday

Ext- Margo’s house. Black mailbox, a couple of big trees on either side of the house.

Int- Margo’s living room


This old movie you found is so funny. You can totally see the wires in the puppet’s head.


Maybe, but it’s a pretty good movie.


There’s not enough blood and guts.


That’s why I like it. Things are scarier when we can’t see everything.


Thanks professor of horror.


I’m just saying…


Do you want another soda?


Yeah, I’m out.

Margo goes into the kitchen. Kate picks up a couple pieces of popcorn and holds it there in front of her mouth for a minute, engrossed in the film. Kate calls to Margo.


When did you say your parents were going to be home?







Ahh, no, stay back!

Kate races back into the kitchen and clamps her hand over mouth. Her muffled cries ring out as the camera zooms in on Kate’s face. The camera quickly cuts to the Doll Man and his newest life size doll, Margo. Her face and body are porcelain, frozen in a terrified scream.

Doll Man strokes Margo’s hair. He looks up at Kate. His glassy blues are blue like a Husky’s.

Doll Man

She’ll make a fine addition to my collection. And so will you.


I will not end up like Margo. I’m going to stop you!

Doll Man

Oh really, child? You’re weak and pathetic. There’s no way you, a mere child, could ever hope to stop me. I have lived for centuries.


I’ll still stop you.

Doll Man

You’re adorable when you’re delusional.

Kate hunts in one of the drawers. She finds a butcher knife. She grabs it and charges at the creep. She stabs him in the stomach. It has no effect.

Doll Man

You’re a riot. You should really consider doing standup comedy.

Kate runs out the back door and races home. She sprints past her parents, who are snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. Doris and Walter exchange confused looks and shrug and continue watching Lovers in Paris. Kate gets on the internet and goes to Weird and looks up how to kill the Doll Man. She reads aloud


To kill the doll man, one must convince him they thoroughly hate him. This is done by ripping off a piece of Doll Man’s jacket and screaming at him as loud as you can, Doll Man, I hate you, three times.

It starts to rain. Lightning flashes across the sky. Kate sticks her head out the front door. She hears the doorbell ring. Her mom answers the front door. She hears a scream. Kate races to the top of the stairs and finds the Doll Man at her front door.

Her mother is turned into a doll. Of course, Walter comes to the door, but he is also turned into a doll.


Hey, Butthead!

Doll Man looks up at her and waves. Kate races to the bathroom and grabs some scissors from the medicine cabinet. When she returns downstairs, Doll Man is gone. She wanders downstairs and notices the front door is wide open. With her scissors out in front of her, Kate descended the steps. Lightning flashes across the sky.

She shuts the front door. She looks upon the porcelain bodies of her parents and starts to cry. She forces back the tears. Gritting her teeth, she challenges Doll Man.


Doll Man, come out to play, I mean come out here and get your butt kicked!

Doll Man (unseen)

Do you really want to play games with the Doll Man? You’re nowhere near ready to play with the Doll Man? You’re going to get hurt.


Try me.

The thunder makes a terrible crackling sound, followed by a huge streak of lightning, followed by a blackout. Kate is seized by the Doll Man. She struggles but blindly aims for the Doll Man’s eyes. She hears a terrible scream. The lights come back on, but Doll Man is blinded. He drops her. She cuts off a piece of his jacket and shakes it at him as she growls at him.


Doll Man, I hate you. Doll Man, I hate you, Doll Man, I hate you!

Doll Man lets out terrible gurgling sounds and turns into a skeleton and melts. He is reduced to a bubbling mass of what looks like marshmallow fluff. Kate’s parents are returned to normal. The telephone rings. Margo is on the other end.


Yo, what’s up? Why’d you leave our movie marathon?


Uh, sorry, I had to take care of some business at home.


I see. Well, can you back over, so we can finish the rest of the movie?


I don’t know, I’d have to ask my folks.


As soon as it quits storming, I’ll drive you back over there.


Thanks, dad.

Walter slides his arm over his wife’s shoulder and whispers in her ear.


That way, you and I can get back to our romantic movie night, deal?



Int- Mr. Davis’ classroom.

In walks Beth. She heads straight to Kate’s desk.


Kate, listen, the rest of the student council agree that you should come back to being vice president.


Yeah, that’d be great.


Awesome sauce.



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