Farthest Breadth


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“Lucya.” called a voice. I immediately looked at Eli—my ‘partner’.


“Hello, Eli!” I widely smiled at him. He smiled back.


“Let’s go?” he offered me his hand. I tilted my hand and scratched my nape.


“Hm, can I finish the drama?” I pleased, pointing at the ‘television’ in front of me. His forehead creased.


“Lucya, we look over humans. We don’t watch what they watch.” He narrowed his eyes at me while calmly explaining everything.


“Okay.” I pouted.


“You’re starting to adapt human acts, Lucya. You should stop it before being capable to do sins.” he told me. I nodded my head. He’s right. I smiled at him.


“You’re right. I’m sorry.” I held the hand he offered. Together, we fly back to heaven.


Yes, to heaven. I am an angel. My partner either. Wandering around the world has been our job for ages. I and Eli are the guardians of Earth. We are also the ones to assign guardian angels to whom human they fit with.


“Eli, Lucya.” Called Michael. He’s one of the archangels. We dropped on one knee and bowed our heads to show respect.


“Michael.” we uttered. He bowed as response.


“Eli, you’ll be doing the tasks of Serah. And you Lucya, will be wandering on Earth by your own.” said Michael.


“Why?” asked Eli.


“Serah was hurt and ill. She was attacked by Cadere. You’ll be her substitute until she’s healed.” Michael explained. Cadere is the demon who have this great desire to kill and hurt us, angels.




“No buts, Eli. It was an order from above.” And with that, Eli and I both knew that the decision was marked final.


My days on Earth were both fun and boring at the same time. It’s good venture around without someone forbidding you.


As I was wandering around every corner of Earth every day, I always see a guy. He doesn’t usually talk to those people around him.


On a usual day, I saw him. Crossing the road. He didn’t see the truck approaching. And I, didn’t know what to do. I blocked the truck on its way to hitting that particular guy.


And, everything stopped. Him, the truck, and I. I felt numb all of a sudden. Everything turned into a blur. Everything I remember was, I felt an extreme pain—which angels aren’t supposed to be feeling.


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Chapter One



White was all I see. As my eyes adjust from the light, I see a woman on her 40s widely smiling at me. Nothing was familiar—the set-up, the surroundings, and the woman.


“I’m glad you’re awake. I’m Sarah. What’s your name?” she asked me. Name? I searched my mind for any information, but I found none. Nothing but questions. Who am I? Where am I? What happened? Why can’t I remember anything?


“I… don’t know.” I swallowed the lump in my throat.


“You don’t know? You don’t remember anything?” she asked me. I hesitantly nodded my head, losing my voice.


“You must have an amnesia.” Her words hit me like a puzzle: It was all too hard to figure out.


“Amnesia?” I asked.


“Yes. It’s a loss of memory.” She answered—giving me a small smile.


“Is it a bad thing?” I looked at her.


“Kind of.” she answered in a small voice. It must be that bad.


She then excused herself to prepare foods. I was left in a room. I can say their lifestyle isn’t that wealthy or maybe this room is all they have for me.


The door opened and a guy appeared, resting his back on the frame of the door. His face and posture were all god-like. But his eyes shouts irritation.


“Mama said we need to eat.” he told me before walking away. His approach was purely cold.


Their house wasn’t big. And I saw no one else but them in this house.


“Is there anyone else with you here?” I asked while sitting on the chair the guy pointed me to sit on.


“No. It’s only me and my son.” she smiled politely.


We prayed and eat. She also introduced her son to me. Asher Adriel is his name.


“Call me Ash.” he said coldly. Was his voice really cold? His mother didn’t bother what he said and focused on me.


“Let’s call you Lucy. Is that okay?” She asked for permission.


“It’s a precious name.” I smiled.


Sarah washed the dishes and left us on our own at their living room—instructing us to get to know each other.


We were both silent until he spoke his mind.


“Why were you lying on the road?” he asked. My forehead creased. “I saw you yesterday lying on the middle of the road. You almost got hit by an approaching truck.” His eyes were serious.


“I… I don’t know.” I answered. He just shook his head, finding no answer to his question.


“You don’t remember anything?” his forehead creased as if he’s doubting me. I nodded my head. We fell silent.


“What…What does it feel to not remember anything?” He wasn’t looking at me. He’s staring into nothing.


“It’s like crawling into darkness without any idea about everything.” I’m loss of words. That’s how I can describe it. How I can describe what I feel.


“I wish I am in your place. I wish I’m the one who can’t remember anything.” he said in a low voice. I immediately looked at him.


“I hope, too. I hope I’m not the one in this position.” I retorted. “It hurts real hard more than you can imagine, Ash.” Last thing I said before standing up.


Just when I stood up, I felt my world spinning. Surrounding was nothing but playing in circles. I didn’t like it. I held my head and leaned on whatever there is beside me.


“W-What’s happening?” worry was all over his voice.


“I… I told… you. It’s not… easy to… to feel… this.” My last word showed how much I am suffering from the pain. The pain I feel in my head. The pain all over my body. The pain in my heart.


I felt a warm shoulders hugging me. I can’t do anything but to lean my head on his masculine, broad chest. He’s hugging me. And all the pain ran in a blink of an eye.


“I don’t know what’s happening. But I have this feeling that I need to protect you from all those pain.” He whispered. I closed my eyes. Why do I feel like I want this? That I want his hug?


If only I can take away your pain. I would have had.” he whispered again that brought life to millions of creatures in my stomach. 

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Chapter Two


"You two are so stiff." Mama Sarah chuckled when she saw Ash and I on their living room. Yes, she told me to call her Mama.

"Mama!" Ash called his mama's name as if he's threatening her though his voice was nothing but calm.

"What?" Mama Sarah laughed.

It's been days since the first time I met them. They both are good person. Ash goes to school while Mama Sarah and I are left here every weekdays. Ash too, wasn't cold as before anymore.

"Ash, son, go home early, okay? Go with Lucy to bayan." Ash nodded.

"Yes, mama." he said before bidding goodbye to us. He's already outside when I saw his packed lunch on the table. I hurriedly grab the lunch and ran outside.

"Ash! Your lunch!" I shouted. He stopped from walking and turned to me. He started walking towards me.

"Thank you." he smiled and ruffled my hair. He then walked away again. He walks from our house to his school. It's walking distance anyway.

As soon as I set foot on the mat of the door, I can already see mama's wide smile. I'm about to ignore it when she spoke, "You know what, the two of you looks like husband and wife. If only I'm not here..."

"Mama! Ash and I... aren't that." I assured her but she didn't stop bugging me about it. I laughed and laughed whenever she is happy teasing me.

"Oh, Lucy, use some of my old clothes there in going to bayan." Mama said. I nodded my head.

"Why are we going there, mama?" I asked.

"You'll buy your clothes and other things. You can't use my clothes always because it's old fashioned for such a gorgeous lady like you." She told me. I chuckled.

"Mama! I'm no gorgeous. And I have no say in my clothes. Even if it's rag." I smiled at her. She smiled back.

Ash came home earlier than usual.

"You ready?" he asked me. I nodded my head and smile.

"Mama, we're off to go." we both bid goodbye. Mama Sarah waved at us and told us to be careful. We took tricycle going to bayan. It is wide and crowded.

Ash helped me to pick clothes. Almost all are dressed and pull-overs. He also bought under wears and other necessary things.

"Wait here. I'm just going to buy us foods." He said and walked away. I was left standing in one corner. I suddenly had goosebumps. A guy almost at my age appeared, smirking.

"So... an angel." I felt my body tense up when he said the word angel.

"Who are... you?" I asked. He leaned closer to me.

"I'm your nightmare, angel. I will be the one to cut your flesh into pieces." My lips trembled.

"Lucy!" The guy glanced at me and grinned before walking away.

"Who is he?" asked Ash.

"I don't know. He creeped me out." I said while looking at the guy who's vanishing into the crowd.

"Why?" he asked. Handing me the foods he bought.

"I don't know. He just did. He even called me angel." I said and chewed on the food he bought for us.

"Maybe because you look like an angel." he chuckled. I jokingly punched his shoulder.

"Stop that, will you!" I laughed.

We enjoyed that day. He even rode rides with me at the carnival. He showed me the whole city when we were up in the Ferris Wheel. And somehow, I kind of, saw myself flying-with wings. As if I'm an angel. I shook my head to vanish my thoughts that were brought by the creepy guy.

"Lucya! Lucya!" a little cute voice was heard. I find the source of the voice and saw a little boy. The name he was calling seems familiar to me. As if I owned the name.

"Hello, little boy. Are you lost?" I kneeled to be at his level. I saw Ash watching us at the corner of my eye.

The boy turned to me and his eyes widen at the mere sight of my face. He hugged me and I almost lost my balance.

"Lucya! Lucya, I found you!" the little guy was in a wide smile.

"You... know me?" I asked.

"Yes! Of course, of course! Eli kept on finding you, Lucya. And I lost him while I'm also finding you. I don't know where I am but I have a feeling that you're here, Lucya! And I'm right! You're here!" he giggled his last words.

I was still in shock. He knows me. Someone know something about me! Someone can answer my questions, finally!

"Lucy, let's go home with the kid. I think he know you." said Ash. I nodded.

"Come with me." I told the boy. He nodded and hold into my hand. We rode our way to the house. No one spoke.

"Ma, we're here!" Ash said. Mama Sarah came out of the kitchen with foods on the tray. "I knew you'll arrive this time. Here, I cooked for you." she smiled at us. When she saw the boy beside me, she smiled at him.

"Hello, little boy." Mama Sarah said in a lovely voice.

"Hello." The kid smile.

"What's your name? Why are you with them?" Mama asked.

"I'm Luke Samuel Castillo. And I'm here because I'm finding my cousin, Lucya." He then glanced at me.

"And your cousin is?" Mama asked.

"Her." Luke pointed at me.

"She's your cousin?" She repeated. Luke nodded his head and smiled widely.

"Eli and I are finding her!" He answered with so much joy.

"Who's Eli?" Ash's forehead creased.

"Oh, Eli is my brother. Lucya is our cousin and we're the only relative left." answered Luke as if he know everything.

"So, Lucy is a Castillo?" Mama Sarah uttered. Luke nodded.

"Isn't the mansion at the centro owned by a Castillo?" asked mama. Luke nodded again.

"It is ours, yes. Eli bought it as a rest house for Lucya." he said and looked at me. I can't take it all in.

"Your family is rich, Lucy." Mama Sarah told me. My forehead creased, not knowing where this will lead.

"I don't even know if it's true, mama." I said.

"Kids don't lie, hija. And, I really am sorry for letting you live in this house. It doesn't suit your wealthy status." Mama said. I shook my head and hugged her.

"No, mama. If it's true... that... I'm a Castillo, then I am very thankful that I lived with you." She hugged me back.

"Thank you." she breathed.

"No, mama. Thank you." I told her. Their family helped me a lot. They didn't even think bad thoughts about me. They welcomed me in their house with open arms.

I am drinking water when I saw a little figure.

"Hello, Luke. Why aren't you sleeping yet? It's midnight." I said.

"I'm just thirsty." he said and drank from the glass he had filled with water.

"Luke..." I called him.


"The things you said, are they true?" I asked.

"Yes. And we'll wait for Eli, Lucya. We'll wait for him to get us." he said and walked towards Ash's room. They'll sleep in one room as long as Luke is here.

"Yes. And we'll wait for Eli, Lucya. We'll wait for him to get us." The thing that he said to me played to my mind over and over again.

There's a part of me who's excited to see him. It feels familiar. His name and everything. Just one say of his name send millions of currents through my veins. I didn't like it.

I didn't because... it was too extreme.




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Chapter Three

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Chapter Four

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