General Mistakes in Learning How to Play the Piano


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Looking at Beethoven back then and Elton John today, one would be forgiven for thinking that learning how to play the piano is a walk in the park. Though playing the piano may be hard, practicing it with music lessons will make you perform better in school. Your grades are likely to go higher if you practice playing a musical instrument compared to those who do not.  

Find out some general mistakes you should avoid when you take time out to learn the piano.

1) Bad Posture

Posture is one aspect you should consider while learning how to play piano selections. Bad posture is not only harmful to your health but to your practicing the musical instrument. When your sitting position is wrong, you will have tension, which will make it difficult to play.

Before starting to play, ensure you are relaxed, the forearms parallel to the key bed, and release any tension from the head, chest, back, upper, and lower limbs. Mental tension as a result of bad posture is one hindrance to perfecting your piano skills. Practice good posture habits from the start as bad ones may even lead to injuries.  

2) Not Practicing

Practice indeed makes any skill perfect, and learning piano needs it too. One mistake you will make is failing to practice daily. Taking a break like a day in a week is all right, but not on two consecutive days. If your worry is who will write my coursework, EduBirdie offers help with it. You can offer the professional writers your assignments, and you can attend your piano lessons. No matter what time of day you choose, they are available 24/7. The essays will be plagiarism-free, and in case of any revision, they will gladly do them.

Having someone catering for your projects puts your mind at ease. The brain is feeding on the skill, and if you skip, it retracts, meaning the day you go back, what you had learned earlier has evaporated. It derails your journey, and it is the reason daily practice to learn to play the piano is necessary.

3) Failure To Record

You may be practicing daily, but if you do not record, you may not know if mistakes were made in previous lessons. It is necessary to record yourself each time you play. Later you can listen to the recordings and purpose to remedy the mistakes.

Your playing may be slow, quick, or too slow. Unless you listen to yourself, you may not be able to learn from your mistakes. You can have an experienced pianist or your trainer check the records out, and they will help you make the necessary changes.


Rome, as the saying goes, was not built in a day, so do not expect to be Beethoven after one or two lessons. To be a pro, you can start online lessons using a piano-teaching system that will guide you through. Being skillful in piano requires you to put in the effort and time to be perfect.

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