Top Social Issues in America


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Chapter 1

The United States of America is one of the most powerful states worldwide. Despite its power and might, it still faces different issues that are beyond government control or at least the government has not made enough efforts. Here is the article that explains some of the social issues that occur in America. Some of them have a great effect on the people living in different states in America.

  • Crime Increase

The United States is well known to incarcerate more people as compared to any other nation. Due to the poor living people conditions and sometimes discrimination, many people involve themselves in uncouth behaviors. Despite the tough judicial system and laws laid down by the government, criminals still find their way around.

America also has a high tendency to racial and economic isolation. Rich people look down upon the poor people leading to economic sabotage hence increase in crime. Without any support and state intervention, these people find it very hard to overcome such issues.

  • Education Issues

America is well-known as a first-class nation hence expected to have the highest education standards. It is a pity that some of its schools not even well funded; some of the schools lack enough facilities to implement the learning process. This reason has reduced school attendance with these children.

However, schools which are situated in areas with a lot of rich people are well funded; hence, rich children have a higher advantage of better education. This is highlighted more in thought-provoking sociology topics. These are written by expert students who the first-hand experience in American learning topic hence more knowledge.

  • Increased Cost of Living

This has become one of the social issues in America. Houses continue to become more and more expensive as mortgage rates continue. Education is also becoming way too expensive, and an average earner finds it hard to live a decent life in America.

The high cost of living in America has resulted in an increase in other services such as the health sector, housing, among others. This makes them save less and consume much. The daily budget for American exceeds the money they earn from their respective jobs.

  • Poverty

Unfortunately, America being the most developed nation, a good reputation in the whole world about the nation faces the Poverty crisis. Note Poverty has become one of the current social issues in the US, where about 13%-17% of Americans live under the federal poverty level.

Moreover, this federal line still keeps on increasing as time goes by since the responsible Government is not providing the necessary solution for the crisis.


The United State of America is a first-world nation, but such issues have greatly affected the comfortable living of most of its Citizens. It has highly created a big difference between the rich and the poor. Many innocent people have ended up in jail because circumstances force them to commit a crime.

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