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Creating Your Own Book And Selling It Online

I am a person who is very fascinated with writers because I love to read all the time. I appreciate every book I finished because I know how hard it is to complete a story and make it a book worth reading. Since I love to read, I dreamt of becoming a writer ever since I was a kid. I did practice and create short stories and poems that I share with my family and friends. When the internet became a normal tool for all of us, I sometimes share my creations through my social media accounts. At this present time, I already created a story that I decided to publish as a book. Since anything can already be bought online, I also decided to sell my own book online so I can easily promote it.

Selling online can help you gain popularity right away

Most people all over the world can already have internet access easily and that is the reason why online selling has become popular. Marketing products online can reach numerous people making your products well-known in a short span of time. With my book, I know that once people read it and start talking about it, I will gain popularity as well because I believe that I created a wonderful story.

Shipping is the best option for delivery

Since I chose to sell my books online, I made it a point that I am prepared to deliver the items to customers. I did some research on web and compared the shipping rates of different shipping companies. Since I just started, I chose only one shipping company that I can rely on and that is UPS. They have been in the business for years so I know they can be trusted and my customers will surely receive the books they ordered. Once my business grows, I know I need to have more than one shipping companies to make sure that all my book orders are accommodated within the delivery timeframe. It will be a little inconvenient for me and my growing business if I will do the shipping on my own because that will take a lot of time and effort on my part. Partnering with shipping companies is really the best option.

Just inform customers of delivery charges

Since I decide to sell my books online, I made it a point to inform my customers that shipping fee is being added to the actual price of the book. I charge shipping fees depending on the shipping rates given. Customers can actually choose from delivery options available whether they want to receive it right away or they can wait for a few days. You just have to be transparent with the charges to prevent conflict with customers so you can gain their loyalty and trust.


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