The Ignorant Mouse


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‘’Mummy! Mummy!’’, the mouse said impatiently. He had waited for this day ever since the last event. The mother nodded at him, knowing what the mouse was waiting for and prepared him to got outside. Today was cheese world champions where different mice who signed up had to go look for the largest cheese. This was a hard job for the mouse because he’d need to travel far away from his family to reach where the event took place. As the mouse waved goodbye to his parents, he ran so far his legs would barely hold him balanced. He met several of his friends and waved them a good luck since they were going too, but the mice only looked at him weirdly. Finally the mouse reached his destination, but noticed something strange. There were no mice around, and the huge building was closed. He asked one of the guards why there was no one here. The guard retorted, ‘’Sorry kiddo, but this ain’t open ‘till 2 months.’’ The mouse looked at them in disbelief. He sighed and walked back home sadly, only getting excited about nothing. When the mouse  came home, his parents were confused as in why he came so early. ‘’They said the place opens in 2 months, mom..’’ He hugged his parents and went to his room, very upset about the day. The mouse looked at his calendar and realised he forgot to date his calendar last month! He gasped and quickly changed it so that he’d never forget. The mouse smiled, forgot about the day and was happy he fixed his mistake.

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