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If I was and able daughter of Australia

I would be a true Aussie

I could be a dentist,

A lawyer or

The next female Prime Minister

Of my country,

If I was an able daughter of Australia

I would be true – blue,


But I’m labelled with;


Adult attention deficit disorder and

Bipolar –

Ranked on the social strata

Lower than the frogs bottom,


If I was an able daughter of Australia

I would be a real Aussie –

From my high horse reminding

The mad, the blind and the lame –

In ancient Greece, such newborns

Were rolled down from the top of Olympus,

If I was an able daughter of Australia

I would be true – blue,


Labels are sticking,

Mental illness and

All description of Otherness –

Invented by Sophists

With intellect

Lower than the frogs bottom.


Labels must be ripped off –

I am indeed an able daughter of Australia

Not only having will power – I am will power,

Light on the top of Olympus:

I am that I am

Mover of the wheels of evolution and

The Master Artist beyond

The hue of true blue.

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