Dolly white


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Chapter one

 Yes,my name is dolly I know it's weird but it's my name. When my parents picked the name they didn't know it was going to ruin my life they thought it was cool.Since my first day at school I've been bullied because of my name they always say "dolly, have you lost your dolly?".

I have one friend Susan but she's very  quiet but she knows how I feel she gets bullied as well they call her nerd brain because she enjoys school and loves math. I don't blame her for liking school she lives with her mean aunt Jen she's  terrible she has no wifi and you can only do the toilet once every 12 hours,anyway now I'm in high school and I'm split up from Susan I only see her sometimes but I have made a new friend faith,she is amazing she has jet black hair shoulder length, also her eyes are blue as the summer sky. Her dad works in a sweet factory and always gives us sweeties when we come home from school but... I feel like I'm forgetting something, someone... Susan, am I leaving her out? Am I forgetting about her? I'm in my third year of high school and I'm getting older by the minute forgetting Susan by the minute, I haven't seen her since 3 months what if she... what if... she's forgotten about me?

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Chapter two

 I saw some fith years picking on Susan I wanted to help but I couldn't I don't know why... I just couldn't.

"Hey dolly,my dad brought his new cream delight sweeties fresh from the factory" said faith. I reached into the packet taking my eyes off of Susan and took out a star shaped candy "faith, what are these called again?" I asked chewing on it like gum. "Cream delights" said faith who was searching her locker " what you looking for?" I asked "my math textbook" said faith she sounded like she was really worried." I have an extra one,here take it" I said "thanks" she said taking it from me "why do you have extra?"asked faith,"oh well Susan used to give me extra, I used to always loose mine" I giggled while I said "wait, Susan nerd brain?" Asked faith. I paused I didn't know what to say but it just came out "no, Susan from my other school" I said not thinking "oh phew" said faith then off went the bell. I felt a bit sick after they sweeties faith gave me but I couldn't stop that creamy amazing taste spinning around my tounge it's just too good to stop!

During class faith and I kept secretly popping them into our mouths when no one was looking we giggled as we finished the bag and at the last moment...the teacher turned around and caught us! After school me and faith went shopping for our Makeup. I was so satisfied by the liquid eyeliner and how thin the tip of the brush was but faith was more interested in the lipstick and mascara, we spent to long though because i looked at the time grabbed faith then ran home it was 00:08am!

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Chapter three

 When I got home and faith was home my parents looked sad they told me to sit down and they began to speak my dad began "your friend from school Susan" he began "well something happened" "what?"I asked desperate to know "she died honey" my mum said. "No,how?why?"I started to cry "bully's, she said to the bully's I'll never see you again and the next day she was found dead in a nearby river" said mum hugging me while I cried out loud "don't tell her anymore it's making it worse"shouted my dad "it's all my fault"I began"I didn't help her when I saw the bully's where annoying her I should've helped and she would be alive ITS ALL MY FAULT!" I ran up the stairs crying, I picked up my phone and called Susan... it rang ... it rang... then an answer "Susan?" I said "did you hear" it was Susan's aunt "yes"I said wiping my tears "I should have been nicer to her honey I'm sorry she's gone but I'll see you later"she said she sounded like she was crying too "okay" I said then the call was ended.

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Chapter four

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