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Lost in the forest

I wandered through the forest, an unknown world that was hidden away in amongst the trees. I walked around in the piles of leaves, nearing the bridge. The bridge that once grandad and I would throw sticks down into the river below. We would have so much fun. Except all that fun had gone now. No more giggles and warm hugs. I try not to think about it but all of the dark thoughts slowly manage to creep back into my mind. The fact that now, I have nobody.

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 I must have visited grandad’s grave around 1000 times. I can’t help but cry. It’s been a year since he died but I still really miss him. The church is just round the block from my school. I go every day after school. I take a daisy chain to grandad’s grave. He used to love it when I gave him my delicate chain of flowers. I had spent the lunch break making it. That’s all I really do at lunch break now. I don’t have any friends. Except for the boy who walks around and around the field. He passes me every minute or so while walking. Passing my spot on the grass where all the daisies grow. This is where I make my special chain.

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This chapter is coming soon!!!

(It’s in progress)

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