Making A Piñata


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Making a piñata

First you will need:


1cup plain flour

2 cups water 

2cm wide strips of newspaper 

Pieces of lightweight crepe paper 


To make a pinata:

1 blow up the balloon and tie the end

2 mix The flour and water together to make a smooth paste 

3dip the strips of newspaper into the paste 

4 carefully place the strips on the balloon until it is covered leaving a hole at the top let it dry

5 place two more layers of newspaper dipped in the paste mixture over the balloon 

6 when dry pop the balloon through the hole in the top and pull it out of the pinata shell

7 cut out the shapes of a head leg and a tail (depending on what you want the pinata to be ) from the cardboard .stick them onto the pinata with more strips of paper and allow to dry

8 paint the pinata and add crepe paper if you like 

9 make two small hole in the top of the pinata near the opening and thread a large piece of string through the two 

10 fill The pinata with lollies or small toys through the holes at the top 

11 paste more newspaper over the top to cover the hole and touch up with paint when it is dry

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