A Voice In The Fire


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The girl

 The girl was a small girl she had red hair and was easily startled she was clumsy too. But the girl lived alone with her grandmother who scolded her for everything, even so the girl still supported her. Every night the girls grandmother would lock her in the cellar and would leave her there overnight, as  if she’d forgotten the girl. The girl did not mind being locked in the cellar, she allowed her mind to wonder, what were her parents like? Where did they go? The girl also liked to sing letting go of her thoughts as she sung them, her voice carried through the small window of the cellar, one day, one day a boy came by, he had short brown hair and sea blue eyes, the girl didn’t take any notice of him at first he just sat by the door and occasionally looking through the window. The boy was there every day for the rest of the week one day the girl was being scolded by her grandmother for her beautiful looks and gifts, and once again she was beat the girl had come accustomed to ignoring the pain but the boy thought this was cruel but did not say anything he just looked surprised, that night when her grandmother locked her in the cellar the boy heard her singing, her voice as sweet as honey. That same night when the boy left the girls, grandmothers cottage the boy went home and told the village how cruel the girl grandmother was the village was outraged.  One day soon the girl was outside picking flowers when she heard the screams of her grandmother she dropped her flowers and ran back to her grandmothers cottage to see it burning her grandmothers screams had ceased but the girl still ran inside to save her the girl found her grandmother dead in the armchair, tears dropped down the girl face and sat on her grandmothers knee and cried herself to death

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