Love Stays Bad


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 "Were are we going!" Windi screamed.  "Well, you know how you've always wanted a big sister?" Mom said. "Yeah?!" Windi screamed with anticipation. "Well, we're going to the orphanage!" Mom said with the tone of excitement. " The ORPHANAGE!!!! Mommy, I didn't mean to spill that milk! Please don't disown me!!! Mom and dad burst out in laughter, " No silly, we're going to adopt your new sister!!!"

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From the start

 My family adopted Shilo when I was six, Shilo was seven. From the start Shilo and me loved each other, she was psyched to have a little sister, and I was psyched to have a big sister. When I was sixteen and Shilo seventeen, my mom died in a car crash. When my dad found out, he died of depression. It was just me and Shilo. My dad chose to live on Shyloh island, were most farmers grew crops and raised livestock. Shyloh island is a very small island in the Atlantic Ocean. It was more country-like than modern. Shyloh island was right next to a huge island called Shyloh city. Shyloh City was just as big and as stuffed as New York City. My mom named Shilo after Shyloh island, but atleast took the liberty of spelling it differently. Ever since we were little, me and Shilo dreamed of living in Shyloh City, and maybe, someday, we will.

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