The Ink of Truth


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The future has been an imagery idea of what we think could happen if the world of technology continued to grow and develop. In my ideal story, nothing is wrong except the government is convinced that school is pointless since school is just for careers and social classes. Which they enforced if children started being trained for a job dictated by a tattoo. The tattoo appears as a symbol of something that represents them, however, if they scan the ink it will show what job they should have. 

Lyric Rose isn't any different than anyone in her city. She was born with a tattoo of a rose which was how she was given her middle name. Lyric's job scanning is far different than her family anticipated. Lyric has to leave home where she has to break away from her old traditions and uncover that usually 18 year old shouldn't be working high college level jobs. She has to bring the truth to her town to restore what a kid should be. 

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Chapter 1


Some children dream of being the next doctor to discover the cure for cancer. However, others like me just want a simple life of farming just like my family does. We are a fruit farm and my fate set me out to be something different. You could say my destiny took a turn as soon as the scanner detetced what my tattoo symbolzed. My visible ink 

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