Open The Door Please


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"Ha its doll freak!" Said Re, her Scarlett hair flowing down her back like a waterfall. Jen and Valentina began to laugh until Re whipped around and gave them "The Look." Carmen hurried past with her lunch tray in her hands, she walked to the back of the cafeteria. She sat at the table where all the "Freaks" sat. At the table there was Albany the skinny white boy that was way in to cars. Coco who cried at anything, including dropping a pencil, but despite her crying problems she was quite frankly very pretty. And last Carmen, she loved dolls in fact she owned 397 dolls, but Carmen had no idea of what kind of dolls there were actually. So as Carmen sat down she pushed her glasses back up and stared at the disgusting lunch food. Today they were serving what they called soup, a bowl filled with what looked like the trash from yesterday eaten and thrown up by a rabid animal. Carmen pushed the tray away and stared at Brendon from across the lunch room. His perfectly tanned skin was sparkling with sweat from gym and Carmen knew this because she had memorized his schedule more than her own. Re walked over to Brendon and planted a kiss on his cheek as the bell rang, everyone flooded into the hallway to go to their next class. The day went on as usual, go to one class then go to the next. Carmen got onto the bus and sat down in the front like normal, as they rode on she said nothing. As it came to her stop she got up silently and slipped down the steps, she walked home singing "Rose bush Rose bush you prick my finger as I bleed out and die you laugh." It was a haunting song but her Grandmother sang it minutes before her heart stopped, so it was important to Carmen. Somehow. But as Carmen walked down the driveway, she looked at her window, and a doll sat there and stared down at her. The doll's glassy eyes pierced through her soul as she walked, the dolls eyes followed her. Carmen picked the lock on the front door with a hair clip because she had lost her key. "HELLO?" Carmen shouted as her voice echoed around the empty house. She dropped her bag at the door and turned on the lights as she passed through the rooms. As she arrived at the kitchen she saw a doll on top of the stove sitting there. It's blue eyes sparkled with a devilish content, its blond hair curled neatly around its flawless face. Carmen walked over to the doll and said simply " Your so pretty, why can't I be like you?" The doll's perfectly flushed cheeks and unnaturally beautiful smile seemed to taunt her. "I have glasses that are to big for my face, hair the color of day old road kill, and everything about me is boring!" Carmen complained to the doll, even though she knew it wasn't even real. Was it? No Carmen remembered they can't be real.
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Author note

Thank you for reading! And just so you know Carmen is 12 and in 6th grade.     ;3
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Author note 2

 Sorry again but I want to know if your enjoying the story so far!

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Good Enough

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