Enduro Stack Testo Boost Male Enhancement Review


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Enduro Stack Testo Boost

"Whether the human body is capable of deactivating estradiol by taking tracheloside, the researchers are not prepared to say."
So, in a nutshell, the gobbly gook translates into Safflower Seed extract. And the jury is still out as to whether or not it will actually lower estrogen and stimulate an increase in testosterone.

Red Flag Alert: Enduro Stack Testo Boost The red flag for me was when I hit Wikipedia and was reminded that Safflower seeds is a main ingredient in vegetable oil...

  • Research on Flaxseed
  • What's in BPI Arimedex
  • Details on the real ingredients in BPI Arimedex HD
  • Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Lignan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Flax Seed Oil or Maybe Sesame
  • CHEMICAL NAME: (2r,3r)-2,3-bis[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]butane-1,4-diol;(2r,3r,4s,5s,6r)-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-2,3,4,5-tetrol

BPI's Webstie Claims: "Scientific evidence shows that this compound possesses powerful anti-estrogenic properties via multiple mechanisms.* Specifically, this novel lignan-class compound has been shown to inhibit 3ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, down-regulate 5 alpha-reductase, modulate tyrosine kinases as well as other protein kinases, and favorably modulate plasma free testosterone levels.* Moreover, use of this compound prior to sustained physical exercise/exertion may help to reduce muscle damage via up-regulation of hepatic glutathione (GSH) levels and down-regulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in skeletal muscle.*"


Two questions arise as I go on a Google spree trying to get to the bottom of this line of gobbly gook. On BPI's site, there is no link to the alleged scientific evidence or even a quote from the study or source of scientific evidence. So question number one is: Where is the scientific evidence exactly?

The other question is what the hell is a "novel lignan-class" anyway? Novel as far as I'm concerned is either a work of fiction or the root word to novelty which is something of little importance.

Wikipedia to the rescue!

"The lignans are a group of chemical compounds found in plants. Lignans are one of the major classes of phytoestrogens, which are estrogen-like chemicals and also act as antioxidants."

So on to the Mayo Clinic and Flax Seed:

"The lignan constituents of flaxseed (not flaxseed oil) possesses in vitro anti-oxidant and possible estrogen receptor agonist/antagonist properties, prompting theories of efficacy for the treatment of breast cancer. However, there is not sufficient human evidence to make a recommendation. "

So looks good on paper, but nothing definitive that it helps with breast cancer. My thought here is that the idea is multiple pathways to replicate Novaldex and Clomid, both of which are used by body builders to reduce estrogen, elevate testosterone and jump start the body after a cycle of steroids.

Research on Pterostilbene

Pterostilbene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The “Other” Resveratrol: A Novel Method to Simulate the Genetic Effects of Caloric Restriction - Lif
Scientists have discovered a special blueberry compound that simulates many of the beneficial effects of caloric restriction. This natural compound favorably regulates genes involved in the development of cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cognitive
Resveratrol is an anti-oestrogen
Pterostilbene - The “Other” Resveratrol
CHEMICAL NAME: 4-[(e)-2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethenyl]phenol


BPI's Webstie Claims: "Scientific evidence shows this novel stilbenoid-class compound, which is methylated, is markedly more efficiently metabolized than non-methylated stilbenoid-class compounds for activation of the SIRT1 gene, up-regulation of plasma free testosterone production via selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulation, healthy glucose metabolism, and maintaining healthy insulin sensitivity.* As a methylated stilbenoid-class compound, this compound is not sulfated by P450 enzymes, which translates into significantly greater bio-activity.* "

Again, novel rears it's confusing head, exactly where IS the scientific evidence and just what is a stilbenoid-class?

Let's start with the stilbenoid-class thingy...

According to Wikipedia, "Stilbenoids are secondary products of heartwood formation in trees that can act as phytoalexins ." Got it? I know I'm following along perfectly! NOT!!!

Let's try this, Wikipedia also tells us that Resveratrol is a stilbenoid. And we've all heard of that. This Pterostilbene is also a stilbenoid. One article I found online at a life extension website gave me a little more detail.

Tiesha D. Johnson, RN, BSN tells us that, "This natural compound favorably regulates genes involved in the development of cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and the system-wide inflammation that underlies a variety of age-related disorders. "

So where is the more testosterone bigger muscles stuff? Anything on estrogenic modulation? What about anti-aromatase? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Couldn't find it. Not to say this stuff is bad for you, because it actually looks pretty good for you would be centenarians out there.

Resveratrol however, has had some research done on boosting testosterone, so why not use that? Why use the other Resveratrol?

Red Flag Alert: According to Tiesha's article, you need a dose of 150 - 500 micrograms for this supplement to be worth it's salt. How much are we getting from A-HD? See, all A-HD tells us is that 1 capsule contains a 250 milligram dose of a "proprietary blend."


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