7 Books Every Psychologist Must Read


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The Bureau of Labor Statistics has curated a list of the twenty fastest-growing occupations in the United States. Coming in at No.1, with a median pay of $84,590, is “Industrial-Organizational Psychologists.” 

Due to the popularity of this occupation, many students are studying psychology. If you are one of them, there are certain famous psychology books that you must read. These books can provide insight and enhance your knowledge of psychology. These books can also help you gain a better understanding of human emotions and behavior. 

We, along with a team from essayzoo.org, a service that provides pre-written essays for sale, have selected the best psychology books that every psychologist should read. Read on to discover how these books can give you au courant knowledge of the human mind.

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1. The Road Less Travelled (Written By: Scott Peck)

The Road Less Travelled hit bookstores 1978. But, the book rose to fame in 1984 when it made the Best Seller list. Peck’s work on this publication focuses on his own experience with patients. Instead of a scientific perspective, Peck gives a human-centered perspective on the case studies. Peck discusses topics such as:

  • Fidelity to truth.
  • Healthy development of emotion.
  • Mentality and spirituality.
  • Being liable for one’s action.
  • Delay of gratification, and
  • Discipline.

Peck mystifies romance and love in the second part of the publication. He exposes how individuals often mistake reliance, as well as other harmful emotions, to be love. Peck’s rationalization of this cryptic emotion that individuals feel is remarkable. Through this book, readers can discover the various emotions people have. 

2. Introduction to Psychology: 7th Edition (Written by: John Schopler, John R. Weisz, Clifford T. Morgan, Richard A. King)

The 7th edition of Introduction to Psychology is one of the must read books for psychology majors. This publication has a plethora of significant breakthroughs that have occurred in the psychological field. Scholars who are pursuing a career psychology should read this publication because it provides experiential perspectives on topics such as:

  • Biology of Behavior
  • Principles of Perception
  • Attitudes
  • Emotions
  • Language
  • Motivation
  • Memory
  • Thinking


This book also covers the stages of development. Further, this publication has a wide selection of case studies. This publication introduces readers to psychological tests for evaluating abnormal behavior, personality, and extremity of emotions.

3. Games People Play (Written by: Eric Berne) 

Individuals have a habit of playing games in their interpersonal relationships. Through this publication, Berne shed light on what goes on when individuals interact. Berne talks about the games people play in marriage, competitions, sex, and power. The book is a hit because individuals can relate to its content and discover the games that have been played on them by others. Individuals can also identify the games they have played throughout their lives. Further, individuals can discover what transpires during the most basic interactions they have. This publication is an eye-opener. 

4. The Definitive Book of Body Language (Written by: Allan and Barbara Pease)

This bookis one of the best books about psychology. This book is an international bestseller that exposes the secrets behind non-verbal communication in a comical manner. Even though individuals start to communicate using body language and gestures since childhood, few can recognize or understand it. This book reveals the secrets of reading body language. By reading this book, you can interpret people’s true intentions by reading the clues given by their body language and gestures. This publication is popular with both psychology students and the general population. This is because of its uncomplicated strategies, enthralling insights, and humor. 

5. The Social Animal (Written by: Elliot Aronson)

The Social Animal is a modern classic that discusses prior research in an engaging prose style. Published in 1976, this book utilizes social psychology to shed light on:

  • The complexities of human aggression,
  • Human behavior, and
  • Interpersonal love.

The principles described in this publication are useful for self-development. Even so, Aronson does not fall under the category of self-help authors. Rather, Aronson draws from various peer-reviewed journals as he sheds light on psychological truths. According to https://www.bestmastersinpsychology.com/lists/5-books-every-psychologist-should-read/, readers appreciate Aronson’s use of quotable lines. 

6. On Becoming a Person (Written by: Carl R. Rogers)

On Becoming a Person is a great psychology reading. Carl R. Rogers ripped apart the veil that stood between counseling and psychotherapy. He did this by introducing the model of “Client Centered Therapy.” Through this model, the counselee gets to control the counseling session. The book does not focus only on counseling, psychology, or therapists’ relationships with patients. The book also covers the helping humanistic relationships. Through this publication, Rogers guides new psychologists on how to empower and bond with their clients. Kenny Gill behind custom research paper writing service reminds you about the post at Topyaps (https://topyaps.com/7-books-every-psychology-student-should-read/). According to it, this book answers the question that most individuals ask: “How can I drop the act and grow into myself?” 

7. Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us (Written by: Daniel H. Pink)

At first glance, this book may seem like a self-help book. That is not the case. Drive is a book that focuses on what gets individuals motivated in their workplaces. This book examines the external and internal motivators that enable individuals to keep pushing. It also examines which methods of using both are the most successful for both employers and employees. Drive is an important read. Pink does a great job at tackling the issues that motivate us. The book has a high padding. So, you will enjoy the lengthy sections that discuss what motivate individuals in the workplace. 


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There you have it. These are the books that every psychologist must read. Reading these books will give you a well-rounded knowledge of humans and their behavior. If you struggle with writing psychology papers, you can seek help from CustomEssayOrder. There is no shame in buying already written college papers if you are a struggling student. 
So, now that you know the best psychology books in the market, what are you waiting for? Get to reading! 

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