Gunald Fernwing


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    My life has been, well, confusing would be putting it mildly, bewildering and disorienting are more the right words. I have the memories of two lifetimes from two different world, not to mention I have been a baby, twice. I have loved and lost. I have lost friends and family, faith and sometimes I feel that I have even lost all hope. Somehow, I managed to find myself in the middle of the most confusing war of all time.

    Growing up the first time I had no intentions of becoming some great adventurer going on quests and fighting extremely powerful monsters. I just had a dream to be an escort through the woods like my father. I liked the idea of being a ranger and protecting simple travelers from the beasts that lurk in the dark. Now I look back and laugh at that idea as I realize that there is no possible way for me to have the simple life I hoped for.

    Now, all I can hope for is to bring an end to this war, to continue on the path that has been laid before me and bring peace to both the worlds I have learned to love.

-- Gunald Fernwing, Chosen of Obad-Hai

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