Eye Bag Removal Singapore


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Eye Bag Removal Singapore

Puffy Bags under Eyes are the initial sign of aging. And you cannot hide it - Anyone can see that you are not young anymore!


Why do we develop Eye Bags?


Skin on the reduced eyelid is extremely thin, especially towards the centre. A level of muscle is located just underneath and is separated from the fat by way of a thin tissue membrane. With aging the muscle layer and the membrane weaken. Besides, changes occur in your skin itself. Collagen and elastin that provide Eye Bag Removal Singapore to your skin break down over time, causing your skin to lose elasticity and become lax. In response the fat deposits shift causing puffiness and bags beneath the eyes. The effect may be worse in some people than others because of hereditary factors, excessive sun exposure or smoking.


Just how to Cure Them?


There are many approaches to cure puff eye bags under eye, each tackling an alternative part of the cause of eye bags:




Skincare tackles the increasing loss of elasticity of the under eye skin. Skincare products are effective in rejuvenating and firming up your skin. Certain ingredients have already been demonstrated to be effective as remedy for under eye puffiness.


Eye Lid Surgery


Eye Lid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) physically removes the fat deposits or might be excess skins or muscles beneath the eyelid. Incision may be made on the outside the lower eyelid or on the inside that may leave the exterior eyelid intact. The surgery may involve local or general anesthesia. After the procedure is completed, recovery period takes from 2 weeks or even more and the last results can look within several weeks.



Surgery produces the absolute most resilient effects, but cost is highest and there are always risks associated. Possible complications are: Bleeding and bruising are normal, rare threat of infection, temporary or permanent droopiness of eyelid, temporary blurred or double vision, dry eyes, difficulty in closing eyes completely (rarely permanent), pulling down of the reduced lids (may require further surgery).


Dermal Filler Injection


Eye Bag Removal Singapore to mask the looks of eye bags. Dermal fillers are injected into your skin to fill in the depressed curve involving the cheek and the attention bag, and can also serve to develop the cheek.


There are many dermal fillers available, some produce effects lasting for some months although some may last longer. Dermal Filler Injection is an outpatient procedure performed within 30 minutes or so. There's no recovery time with many fillers, and you are able to resume normal activities immediately. The result is immediate but not permanent. Some fillers last for some months while others may last longer. Treatment would need to be repeated and maintained.


Homemade Treatments


Some homemade treatments may manage to offer low priced temporary relief of eye bags. They make use of grocery available in the home such as for instance tea bags or cucumber.

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