Lift Up Your Poetic Skills With The Right Platform


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Summary: Are you a poet? Well then the biggest hindrance in the way of your writing comes during the time of evaluation. The general trend of asking to known acquaintances, friends and family leads to having positive feedbacks with minimal criticism which downgrades one writing talent. So if you want to stretch up your writing skills and want to contest with the best then participate in free poetry contest and assess your stand.

Are you a poet? Do you like to scribble during those mundane hours of day or while sneaking a look outside the window during those tiresome lecture hours? Well then it’s time for you to raise the bar for your writing.

Buttery feedback loop

Probably the biggest hindrance that comes to a writer is the proper evaluation of their writings. And this thing remains persistent whether you are just a newbie scribbling around or a published one. The initial manuscripts and scribbles one always finds it embarrassing to reveal in public platform and hides them. The next place to get review is from known persons, friends, family and acquaintances. But their care for you leads their feedback being biased and hence develops the buttering and flattering of feedback in a loop. Although temporarily such flattery can make one smile and give confidence but in real time that creates mess. Instead of stretching your thought process and imagination to the depths of mind one can only perceive the writing becomes way sublimed and superficial.

Contesting the way up

As in all fields, in writing and creativity as well contesting and competition stretches creativity. It enables your mind to reach to the depths and insights only perceivable subconsciously. Taking part in poetry writing contest is one such arena where you can stretch your skills. Now there are many sites who provide such platforms for aspiring poets, where by simply logging in you can post your poems, write ups and even manuscripts or abstracts for novels. Hundreds of other subscribers and writers will assess your skills and give you the evaluation you were craving for. Among such platforms is one where you can post your poems, review write ups from writers all across the globe as well have take part in poetry writing contest to stretch your imagination.  In upcoming 2019 poetry contests are being held in, as well as in many other places. These contests have simple rules like a deadline and few specifications of words or thought processes, the directs your thought in one direction and unravels the stretch and depth of your imaginative skills. Just logging in and participating not only can assess your skills but if you are worth it getting prizes and cash offerings does makes everyone’s day brightened up. Reviewing the poems of other participants during post contest wrap up gives you an idea of the diversities of incredible human imaginations and insights.

So go on and join a platform, read, post, imagine, review and contest with hundreds of writers across the globe.

Author’s Bio: I am a creative writer by profession, and loves scribbling poems anywhere and anytime I get, and a regular member of such platforms. Anyone looking ways to brush up their poetic skills should read along.

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Lift Up Your Poetic Skills With The Right Platform

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