The Princess


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I was never noticed. I never needed to be noticed. I wasn’t like the preps, or the jocks who had to suck up to the teachers to get a decent grade. I wasn’t like the nerds, or the geeks. But yet, I, Sarasi Angeli, am like both of those groups. (I just don’t suck up.) I get good grades, just not A’s. I like all of my teachers, but I wouldn’t say they’re awesome or anything. Normally, I keep to myself, as I always have. I only talk when I really have to. Like when the principal asked me a direct question. I did not want to answer. So I ran away. Now, the police are looking for me. It’s just a matter of time until they find me. Mother told me that if anyone asks a prying question, hide. Otherwise, I could be killed like she was. When she was killed, I was two years old. I never knew exactly who my mom was. I never knew that she was so important. Now I’m 15.

The question the principal asked was, “Why did you put a false address down?” that’s all. I don’t know the real reason why I ran, but I ran because my mother’s voice, or my conscience, told me to. (I like to think that my conscience sounds like my mom.) I always listen to my conscience. It tells me to do something, I do it. But I’m getting way ahead of myself. Let me tell you what happened..................

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Chapter 1


    It was just an ordinary day at school, until...........BANG! Something blew up. Ah. It came from the science room. Nerds these days. Always trying to find the solution to the question, ‘’What will happen if I mix these two together?’’ I think I know the answer to that one. And I’m not even a nerd! The answer to that is: It blows up! Seriously, people should learn that  when you mix two things together that are not balanced, the mixture blows up! Anyway, I head to my locker to get the things I need before lunch when......... he shows up. With his perfect blond hair, perfect teeth, perfect body (which is muscular, but not too muscular), and perfect everything! (I don’t know what color his eyes are. I’ve never gotten that close.) It’s not that I like him or anything. In fact, I kinda hate him.

It’s not just that he’s perfect, it’s that he does everything perfectly. Even his personality is perfect. Perfectness just gets under my skin. Even his name radiates perfect. And his name is Aster. In my opinion, I think that his name is cool. But I don’t think that he is cool. He thinks he is, but, whatever. He’s just annoying. [I think] He looks at the girls all the time during class instead of paying attention. I think he’s a troublemaker. I’m fine with him looking at girls as long as it isn’t me. Yuck!

He walks down the hallway oblivious to the looks the girls give him: some of them swooning, gazing after him like he’s theirs, and some even try to follow him, but their friends stop them. I’m the only girl that glares at him. I think it’s funny. I almost laugh out loud, but then I remember where I am and quiet down. He went to his locker, which is, unfortunately, two lockers down from me. I quickly gather my stuff, my Puffball Taming book; my Astral Training book; my special book no one knows about, it’s called Speaking to Astrals; (I already know how to, I just like reading the book.) and Harkey- The Study of Life. I shut my locker, spun around, and run right into Aster. My books and his went flying everywhere. I fell down and I think he did too. Before I blacked out, I noticed the color of his eyes. They were dark green.

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Chapter 2


    My dad always told me to never tell anyone that he is my dad. So, I rebelled and told my best friend. We moved. Now, I’m in a new school with new friends, new popular friends, but I still have the same principal. My dad is the principal. He’s always able to persuade the new principal to quit and convince everyone that he would be a great principal. I like him being the principal, don’t get me wrong, but..........the only reason that he wants to be principal is so I can ‘spy’ on all of the kids to see if one is the princess. You see, the real person who’s supposed to be ruling has gone missing and my dad thinks it’s his job to find her.

    She went missing when her mom was killed. Actually, murdered. She was killed only so someone else could rule in her place. And it wasn’t her daughter. Everyone thinks that she died of a heart attack. That’s what they made them think. They won. She was killed. But they didn’t know she had a daughter until they saw the her room. But she was not in it. She had, upon hearing her mom’s screams, opened the window and ran away. No one knows what she looks like. All we know that when she turns 16, she will somehow show herself. Her dad was killed in a car accident before she was born.

    Now, we live under their rule. They call themselves The Equalizers. Some equalizers. They take from the rich until they are homeless, they take from the middle class until they are homeless, they even take from the poor until they are homeless! They keep the money for themselves. They seek out people that are still faithful to the old rule, capture them, and make an example of them. Be that person man, woman, or child. I’ve seen three-year-olds’ bodies swinging from trees. They are also looking for her too. They just don’t know what to look for. Them: 0. Us:1!

    Personally, I don’t like them. Before hanging the people, they torture them. Not with what you’re thinking of. They hypnotize them and get the information that way. Then, they wake them up and make them capture the people they unwillingly told on. To me, they are more like separators! They put taxes on everyone, that’s how the take from them. What they told us to get us to make them rulers was, “‘You’ll all be equal!” They were right in one aspect though. All of us are almost homeless, which is why they said, ‘you’ll be equal’! Yep, we’re equal! Almost all of us are homeless! I’m against them, if you ask me! But, I act like I love them. Just like everyone else.

    Anyway, I walked into the school and smiled at everyone like I always do. I head to my locker to get my books. She was at her locker. The girl no one knew anything about. Not even me. I didn’t even know her name. I made a mental note to look at her records as I shut my locker. I turned away from my locker and ran smack into her. I heard gasps from everyone around us. She fell, I fell and our books went flying everywhere. The last thing that I thought before my head hit the floor was, ‘Everyone should notice her now.’ Then, darkness.

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