Life's Short Stories


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The beginning of forgiveness

I was born in a hospital with three people in the room. My mom, my dad, and my older sister. I didn't know it at the time but I nearly killed my mom coming into the world, which led my older sister to resent me. She had been with my mom for seven years before I showed up and I took away her attention. She would ignore me when I would cry, and whenever she was told to watch me she would just leave me where I was. In your mind your probably thinking "that sounds really bad for a newborn child to be treated that way",and well it was bad but things would begin to change. A few weeks later I would be lying in a hospital bed being put to sleep having surgery. Now your probably thinking "what happened"and what happened was there was a needle in my foot a metal needle got lodged in my foot while I was crawling around while my sister was watching over me. I walked into the room where my mom kept her sewing kit and you can guess what happenedBut sadly my sister nor I knew what happened. Two weeks pass and I can't crawl on the floor I'm crying whenever I try and my mom sees it the needle lodged in my foot. I'm rushed to the hospital with my mom in the front driving, and my older sister in the back panicking and crying over how it was all her fault. Once I was in the emergency room they put me to sleep and they removed the needle without any casualties. Afterwards when my family was allowed to come in to see me my sister was the first to get me she came in running and crying to see if I was ok and I was. When I was in her arms I didn't cry but I smiled and looked at my sister. From that day forward my sister always says that I was a forgiving person from the beginning, and my sister and I have never been closer.

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Faraway happiness

 When I was 4 I had a best friend his name was Lucas who was 5and we lived right next door to each other in Florida.Every day we would visit each other and put paper with writing on our windows to talk to each other. We were inseparable. When we got older even at school even though he was a grade above me we would hang out all the time. We rode the bus together, at recess we would hang out together and if we saw each other in the hallway we would hug. It got to the point that everyone round is thought we were dating. His older friends would start teasing him when I was around, and my friends always would push me towards him when he was around. We really didn't think much of it at the time, so we just ignored them. Over time some feelings began to grow and one day while we were at a birthday party Lucas asked me out and I said yes. I didn't know this but he asked my mom for permission to ask me out before hand. So we were going out nothing really changed except we were closer than before. One day after school Lucas took me to a park we would go to all the time when we were younger we were talking and all of a sudden he kissed me. We were sitting on a bench at the park and he looked me square in the eyes and kissed me. From that day forward we were so public about our relationship that people from his grade knew me by name. After two years of dating everything was just fine we were happy, and we loved being with each other, we went everywhere from the beach to going out of state for trips. On our anniversary we went back to the playground but this time Lucas kissed me which slowly escalated into making out now we had made out before but something was off. I pulled away after his hand was on my face and my hand was in his hair. I asked "something is off are you ok" he looked at me and his mood dropped into sadness, he looked at me and said "I'm moving" I was shocked I had asked "where are you going" and he said "I'm going to Colorado" my heart sank and the mood dropped. At that moment all I could do was hug Lucas. After a long hug he said I leave in a week. At that moment he said " i want you to be happy so we can't be together I wanted today to at least be special" I wanted to scream and cry but I stayed quiet. The week passed and it was time to say goodbye I stood at his driveway and after I said by to his family I had to say bye to him. I looked him in the eye gave him a long and meaningful hug and shared one more kiss with him, afterward he leaned in toward my ear and said "find happiness without me ok" I looked at home with eyes full of tears and said "ok" as quick as I said ok he was in the truck and on the road. Once he moved to Colorado we talked all the time for months we stayed in contact, till he met someone and we started drifting apart, we started talking less and less to the point where I didn't know Lucas anymore. To this day I remember all the time I spent with him and I did find happiness down the line and we started talking again but the only question on my mind is "what if things were different".

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Effects of a relationship

 When I was 15 I had my first boyfriend his name was Dylan. Before I started dating Dylan I was an outcast and I was ok with it, only 15 people knew me at the most and that was perfect. One of those 15 people was Dylan and one day during pe he asked me out, and being the young innocent child I said "yes". The day after he asked me out everyone in the entire school suddenly knew who I was and it was terrifying, people tried talking to me and at the time I was very introverted. One day it bothered me so much that I confronted Dylan and he said that he used our relationship to become popular, so I then proceeded to pull out my phone and show him that I was recording our entire conversation and within seconds I posted it. The next day at school all the talk was about him being a jerk and people started leaving me alone. So that was my first relationship.

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Too young lo

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